
  • 网络Naked oats;avena nuda;Avenanuda;Avena nuda L;A.nuda L.
  1. 裸燕麦(莜麦)与春小麦根系发育的比较研究燕麦的,关于燕麦的,或燕麦制的。

    The Comparative Study on the Growth and Development of Roots of Naked Oats and Spring Wheat ; of or related to or derived from oats .

  2. 经过多年的深入研究,攻克了莜麦(裸燕麦)花培出愈率低、成苗难的技术难关。

    Having been researched thoroughly for many years , the technical problems such as lower rate of callus formation of Avena Nuda ' flower breeding and seedling growing difficulties are overcome .