• Piedmont;the foot of a hill or a mountain
  • 山脚下:山~。华山北~。

  • 古代掌管苑囿的官吏。


[书] (山脚) the foot of a hill or a mountain:

  • 山麓

    the foot of a mountain;

  • 泰山南麓

    at the southern foot of Taishan Mountain

  1. 早年,尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山南麓很少有外国人涉足。

    Before , very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas .

  2. 从麓坡到顶坡,土壤氮含量、土壤磷含量、土壤pH、土壤有机质含量均呈现显著差异。

    From crest slope to foot slope , the nitrogen content , phosphorus content , PH and the content of organic matter of the soil all showed significant differences .

  3. 若根据CO2倍增时全球增温的最佳估计是3℃,则上述地区降水量将增加15%以上,太行山东麓增加30%以上。

    Supposed that the global temperature increases by 3 ℃ when CO_2 is doubled , the precipitation in regions mentioned above will increase by more than 15 percent . And the precipitation in the'area east of Mountain Taihang will increase by 30 percent .

  4. 中国林蛙(Ranatemporariachensinensis)是我国东北地区长白山麓药、食两用的珍贵蛙种。

    Chinese forest frog , its Latin name is Rana temporaria chensinensis , they only grow in Changbai mountain area , the northeastern of China .

  5. 在2003年中国机器人大赛RoboCup仿真组比赛中云麓队获得了二等奖。

    These strategies have been applied to CSU_Yunlu soccer simulation team , which participated in the Chinese Robot Competition ' 2003 and was awarded second prize .

  6. 本文对多智能体间的协作和协调进行了研究和分析,论述了基于角色和基于区域的两种传球决策方法,以及它们在中南大学云麓队(CSUYunlu)中的应用。

    This paper studies the collaboration of agents and discusses in detail the role-based passing ball strategy and area-based passing ball strategy .

  7. 月亮山东麓断裂位于海原断裂带的东段。

    Yueliangshan fault is the east segment of Haiyuan fault zone .

  8. 贺兰山西麓(南段)岩溶地下水特征

    Character of karst groundwater in the southwest of Helan mountain side

  9. 贺兰山东麓地区葡萄酒指纹图谱的研究

    Research on the Wine Fingerprint in Eastern Foot of Helan Mountain

  10. 大兴安岭东西两麓有众多小民族生存。

    There are many minor ethnos living around Daxing Anling region .

  11. 广东揭东桑浦双麓自然保护区鸟类资源丰富。

    The bird resources in Jiedong Sangpu Mountain Nature Reserve is plentiful .

  12. 杞麓湖水体藻量和透明度变化分析

    Analysis of Change of Alga Volume in and Transparency of Qilu Lake

  13. 杞麓湖水污染成因及控制途径的定量研究

    Causes for Pollution in Qilu Lake and Quantitative Research on its Control

  14. 太行山东麓的碎云母矿产资源开发与利用预测

    Prognostication in exploitation and utility of broken mica minerals

  15. 消逝于山之麓;如今已深葬

    Up the hill-side ; and now'tis buried deep

  16. 杞麓湖水污染总量控制和工程治理的效益分析

    Water Pollution Total Amount Control and Benefit Analysis of Engineering Treatment for Qilu Lake

  17. 贺兰山东麓草场防护林体系效益的研究

    On the efficacy of grassland shelterbelt system at the eastern foot of the Helan Mountain

  18. 贺兰山东麓地区葡萄酒香气成分分析研究

    Analysis of Aromatic Composition in Different Mono-varietal Dry Wines from Eastern Region of Ningxia Helan Mountain

  19. 宁夏贺兰山东麓060714暴雨洪水分析

    The " 060714 " storm flood analysis at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia

  20. 宁夏贺兰山东麓沿线98520洪涝灾害分析

    The analysis of 98520 flood disaster on the cast of the foot of Ningxia Helan Mountain

  21. 贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄霜霉病流行规律及测报技术

    Studies on the epidemical regularity and prediction technology of grape downy mildew disease in Eastern Helan Mountain

  22. 玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇演化及其对区域构造活动的响应

    Evolution of Alluvial Fans and Reaction to the Regional Tectonic Activity at Rage-Front of Manas River Valley

  23. 贺兰山东麓地区霞多丽干白葡萄酒香气成分的GC/MS分析

    Analysis of Aromatic Composition in the Dry White Wine of Chardonnay by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  24. 西南煤系地层软岩地区坡麓相斜坡软土特性研究

    On features of piedmont soft soil on slope in soft areas of coal strata in Southwest China

  25. 太行山东麓的焚风效应也加大了持续高温强度。

    The foehn effect in the east foot of the Taihang Moutain strengthened the high temperature as well .

  26. 大兴安岭坡麓鼠类群落结构与流行性出血热

    The Community Structure of the Rodent and Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever on the Foot of Da Xing An Mountain

  27. 从这个塔上远眺,紫金山南麓是树的海洋。

    Seen from the pagoda , the south foot of the Purple Mountain is a sea of trees .

  28. 太行山东麓天然植物园建设可行性分析及经济效益统计

    The Feasibility of Building and Economy Efficiency Statistics of Natural Botanical Garden in the East of Taihang Mountain

  29. 贺兰山东麓的经济开发与黄河水资源利用

    Development of Economy in the East of Helan Mountains and Utilization of Water Resources of the Yellow River

  30. 贺兰山西麓典型干旱区绿洲地下水水化学特征与演变规律

    Hydrochemical Characteristics and Evolution Laws of Groundwater in Typical Oasis of Arid Areas on the West of Helan Mountain
