
  1. 本短篇小说集是说,在今后几年中成为一个至少五外语翻译。

    This collection of short stories is said to be translated into an least five foreign languages in the years to come .

  2. 2007年7月,莫言出版散文集《说吧,莫言》。这套书全面展示了莫言的心路历程。

    In July 2007 , his collection of essays Say It , Mo Yan , a representation of his spiritual journey , was published .

  3. 就像泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦说的那样,抛弃那种以满足西方消费者的旧模式将“不再服务”这个区域。

    As Abhisit Vejjajiva , Thailand 's prime minister , put it , the old model of satisfying Western consumers " will no longer serve " the region .

  4. 他负责监督一切,从道具到服装以及各种器材,不管是每周都要用到的常用器材还是特定集比如说新季首集出现的建筑物都由他管。

    He oversees everything from props to costumes and each set , whether a standing set used every week or , as in the season premiere , one built for a specific episode .

  5. 最重要的事情不是什么艺术生涯或大把钞票,而是拍出的照片集或者说是一生的作品能有意义,她说。

    The most important thing is not an artistic career or big pile of money , but to have that group of prints or the body of work that matters , she said .

  6. 在图G中,如果存在圈C使得V(G)╲V(C)是G的独立点集。则说G是一个D-Cyclic图,而C是G的一个D-圈。

    We say that the graph G is a D & Cyclic graph if there is a cycle C in G such that V ( G ) / V ( C ) is an independence set of G.

  7. 本来那是她的最后一集,Moffat说。

    That was her last episode , Moffat says .

  8. 一位集邮局官员说他们已经开始调查,但是要想从全国各地数百个邮局中回收这些邮票则为时已晚。

    An official of the Philatelic Bureau said an inquiry had been launched , but said it was too late to recall the stamps from hundreds of post offices across the country .

  9. 他批评该剧虚伪,没有传达出原著的精妙之处,可是马上又对第一集大加赞赏,说那是他看过的最好的情景喜剧试播集。

    He described what he took to be the show 's falseness and insensitivity to nuance - before praising its first episode as the best sitcom pilot he had ever seen .