
  • 网络container handling machinery
  1. 根据战役后勤仓库军用集装箱、装卸的特点,建立了某型集装箱装卸机械优化配置的仿真模型,并对其进行了实例分析。

    According to the characteristics of military container handling in campaign logistic warehouse , the paper establishes an optimized simulation model for the allocation of a certain container handling machinery and analyzes it with an example .

  2. 指出FDS系统是集装箱装卸机械电控系统发展的趋势,并在此基础上,可进一步实现港口全面集成和整体优化,以提高我国现代化港口的综合实力。

    It is pointed out that the FDS system is the trend of the container crane control system . And on this foundation , the total integration and optimization can be realized and this will improve the comprehensive strength of our modern harbor .

  3. 第二部分介绍了集装箱装卸机械与装卸工艺方案。

    In the second part , the writer introduced the knowledge of operating equipment and the styles of handling technology .

  4. 然后从定性的角度阐述了集装箱装卸机械选型和数量配置上应注意的问题和方法。

    From the qualitative point of view , the writer issued the problems and methods that should be noticed in the choice of equipment and the configuration in quantity .

  5. 同时,经过四十多年的发展,集装箱装卸机械的机型、规格和数量越来越多,性能、速度、效率以及电气传动技术也不断得到发展和提高改进。

    At the same time , the types and the quantity of the equipment for loading and unloading of the containers in port become numerous after 40 years ' development , as well as the speed and efficiency .

  6. 集装箱码头装卸机械优化配置研究

    Studies on Optimal Configuration of Handling Equipment in Container Terminal

  7. 铁路集装箱中心站装卸机械性能与布局研究

    Loading and Unloading Machine Performance and Its Layout at Railway Terminal

  8. 集装箱装卸作业大型机械的管理

    Superficial Inquiry on the Management of Large Container Handling Machinery

  9. 随着科技的不断进步和集装箱运输的蓬勃发展,带动了集装箱专用码头建设和集装箱装卸专用机械技术的进步和发展。

    As the advancement of technology and development of container transportation , it motivates the dock construction of special container and makes the rapid development of special mechanical technique about container .