
  1. 物流配送(集货)中运输车辆优化的GreedySweep算法

    Greedy Sweep Algorithm of Conveyance Route Optimization in Logistical Delivery Management Systems

  2. 另外,切花在采后要经过集货、批发、运输、零售等环节,都不可避免要经受水分胁迫。

    In addition , the cut flower which was in the harvest to go through the set of goods , wholesale , transportation , retail and other sectors will inevitably be subjected to water stress .

  3. 由于传统的多级分解算法易陷入局部最优解,而不是全局最优。因此,本文从整体上设计混合启发式算法求解一体化配送与集货的定位-运输路线安排问题。

    Considering that the traditional multi decomposition algorithm is easy to get into partial optimization solution , and not overall optimization solution , the study deign hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the location routing problem model of picking-delivery as a whole .