
  • 网络Collective enterprises
  1. 关于集体企业改制的研究

    Researching for Changing Mechanism of Collective Enterprises

  2. 国有中小企业和集体企业改制,必须经过严格的资产评估和审核;

    The structural reform of medium-and small-sized state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises must be subjected to the strict evaluation and verification of their assets .

  3. 集体企业改制的法律分析

    Analysis of Reform of the Collective Enterprise in Law

  4. 在集体企业改制方案设计方面,主要是集体企业职工代表大会的法律地位问题、资产量化问题和改制企业的组织形式问题。

    Those in making design for collective enterprise reform are legal status of the workers congress in collective enterprise , assessment of property and forms of reformed enterprise .

  5. 职工安置问题是集体企业改制的一个重中之重的问题,职工安置问题的好坏可反映出企业改制的成败。

    The staff places the question is a Collective enterprise remanufacture the most important question , the staff places the question the quality to be possible to reflect the restructuring of enterprise the success or failure .

  6. 关于集体渔业企业改制情况的调查报告

    Investigation Report on Collective Fisheries Enterprises

  7. 厂办集体企业改革改制的重点是将集体经济改为公司制或股份制。

    The focus factories , collective enterprises , reforming the collective economy into a corporate system or shareholding .

  8. 城镇集体所有制企业改制中存在的问题及对策研究

    Problems Existed in the Town Collectively Enterprise System Reform and Its Countermeasures

  9. 集体所有制企业改制中若干法律问题研究

    Legal Problems in the Reform of Collective Enterprises

  10. 进一步,集体乡镇企业的改制是否与中国改革逻辑相吻合?

    And the question whether the ownership structure reform is accordant with the reform of China needs to be answered further .

  11. 本文拟探讨集体所有制企业改制的方式及资产的最终归属,说明企业改制过程中产权的重组是最具根本性的。

    This article discusses the method of the reform of collective enterprises and the final ownership of the collective assets , and to show that the reconstruction of property in enterprise reform is of fundamental importance .

  12. 和乡镇集体企业,城镇集体企业改制步伐并不快。

    Furthermore , the reforming speed of town collective enterprise is not so fast as one of the village enterprise .