
  • 网络status replacement
  1. 国有企业改制中职工身份置换模式的再认识

    On Employee 's Status Replacement in the Reform of the State-owned Enterprises

  2. 国有企业职工身份置换探析

    Status replacement of state-own enterprises staff in system reform

  3. 国企职工身份置换及嗣后的收益分配制度创新

    The Transformation of Employees ' Identity of SOE and the Innovation of Revenue Allocation

  4. 河北省国有企业改制中职工身份置换的思考和建议

    A tentative study of the change of identities of staffs in state-owned enterprises of Hebei Province

  5. 如何在职工身份置换过程中,切实保障职工的合法利益,本文就此进行了分析和探索。

    This article focuses on how to protect the staff 's legitimate benefit during the exchange .

  6. 当前我国国企改革面临不少深层次的困难和问题,职工身份置换就是突出的问题之一。

    Status replacement of staff has become one of the most difficult and serious problems which the state-own enterprises have to face in the reform of system .

  7. 本文从职工身份置换的前提条件及其结果揭示了国有企业职工身份置换的内涵;

    This paper has discussed the intension of the worker 's identity replacement in the state-owned enterprise from the precondition and result of worker 's identity replacement .

  8. 通过对国企改制中职工身份置换的补偿模式的分析,探讨具体有效的置换补偿模式,以期对我省国企改制中的职工身份置换工作有所推动。

    The article researches the concrete and valid compensatory mode , to promote the exchange of the staff 's status in our provincial state enterprise 's reform .

  9. 作为义务主体的欲为商事者经设立登记创设商事主体,完成自然人向商事主体的身份置换。

    As a compulsory subject for the creation of commercial registration of establishment of commercial subject , completed the natural person to the trading main body status replacement .

  10. 本文认为,当前国企职工身份置换中主要存在对政策的理解和把握不到位以及利益保护不充分等问题,而难点主要在观念滞后、补偿标准及置换成本三个方面。

    This article holds that there are insufficient understanding of the state policies and deficient protection of the staff and that the most difficult point lies in the lagged concept , compensation standard and replacement cost .

  11. 从为企业减负、身份置换与资产置换的关系及国企职工惰性产生的根源等角度阐述了国有企业职工身份置换的必要性。

    From the view of reducing the burden for the enterprise , identity replacement , the relation of assets replacement and worker 's inertia of the state-owned enterprise , the necessities of the state-owned enterprise worker 's identity replacement have expounded .