
shēn tǐ liàn xí
  • physical exercise
  1. 但是,并非所有的身体练习都具有等效的促进心理发展的价值。

    Of course , not every physical exercise can work the same to improve the psychological development .

  2. 听障学生身体练习的程序教学在聋校体育中正逐渐得到应用。

    The teaching procedure of physical exercise for the deaf is used in schools for the deaf .

  3. 不同观察学习和身体练习比例对追踪任务技能学习的影响

    Effects of Different Proportions between Observational Learning and Physical Practice on Tracking Skill Learning

  4. 和谐理念下身体练习障碍学生的体育课现状与关爱性对策研究

    A Study of Physical Education for Students with Poor Sporting Ability and Its Countermeasures

  5. 摘要对身体练习促进心理发展的条件进行研究。

    The study was carried out on the conditions of physical exercises which improve the mental health development .

  6. 音乐与体育结合的身体练习形式在人类的发展史上有着悠久的历史。

    The form of physical exercises with music and sports in the history of human development has a long history .

  7. 它体积小、重量轻、使用简便。综合了踏车、划船、拉绳等十多种身体练习的方法。

    Light and handy , it provides various forms of fitness exercises such as cycling boat rowing and weight pulling .

  8. 课余体育活动是学生在学校期间在体育课以外的时间进行的身体练习活动。

    After-school sports Activities is a kind of physical exercises which students do during the time other than the exercise class .

  9. 现行的体育概念都以身体练习为基本手段,实现促进健康、为政治经济服务等功能。

    The present concepts of physical education treat physical activities as basic means to realize health-promotion , political and economical profits .

  10. 课外体育活动是学生利用课余时间,采取个人或集体的形式,通过自身的身体练习,使身心得到发展的活动。

    After-class physical activities are activities students take part in after class in individual or collective form to promote body and mind development .

  11. 健美操是集“健”“美”于一身的身体练习,有很大的锻炼价值和观赏性。

    Keep-fit dance , which put " strength " and " beauty " together , is of great value to physical training and enjoyment .

  12. 形成学校体育课程特色,提高新体育课程标准的适切性等。第三,体育课程内容资源是一个极为庞大的体系,其主要由知识资源、经验资源、身体练习资源所构成。

    Thirdly , PE curriculum content resources are an extreme huge system , consisting of three main resources of knowledge , experiment and physical exercise .

  13. 体育作为一项身体练习活动,能有效提高学生意志品质和耐受挫折的能力。

    Sport , as a kind of physical exercises , proved to be able to improve the students ' volition qualities and anti-frustration ability effectively .

  14. 体育是学校课程中唯一通过身体练习来达到教学目的的课程,学校体育与生存教育具有相关性。

    Sport is the only school curriculum through physical exercise to achieve the purpose of teaching the curriculum , school sports and survival education relevant .

  15. 新《课程标准》明确指出:高中体育与健康课程是一门以身体练习为主要手段的课程。

    The new course standard points out definitely : The athletics and healthy courses of the senior high school is a course that takes the body practice as the main means .

  16. 上古时期作为战争主要手段的中国摔跤,在兵器发展之后,逐渐的向将士身体练习的方向转变。

    China Wrestling was used as the major strategy for the war in the ancient times , after developing the weapons , it turned to the direction of officers and soldiers ' taking exercises .

  17. 课外体育活动是学生在体育课以外运用各种身体练习和方法,以发展身体,增强体质,丰富业余文化生活为目的的身体活动。

    Extra-curricular sports activities is physical exercises in the use of various methods for the purpose of leisure outside of curriculum to develop students ' bodies , keep fitness and provide a rich cultural life for students .

  18. 健美操是以人体自身为审美对象,以身体练习为基本手段、以有氧运动为基础,达到增进健康、塑造形体和娱乐目的的体育运动。

    Aerobics is a physical training which takes human body as aesthetic object , physical exercises as basic measure and bases on aerobics sports in order to improve one 's health , shape one 's body and to entertain .

  19. 它是以身体练习为基本手段,促进人身心的全面发展为目的,是体力活动和智力活动相结合的带有浓厚娱乐性、并有教育意义的游戏活动。

    It is based on physical exercises for basic means to promote the all-round development of body and mind , is for the purpose of physical activity and intellectual activities combined with strong entertaining , and education significance of game activities .

  20. 只有在身体练习过程中能够激发学生强烈的心理体验,产生适宜的心理负荷,或者使学生处于一定的心理情境中时,学生才能产生相应的心理变化,才能使身心共同发展。

    This ideal of the development of body and mind together can only be realized by inspiring students ' strong psychological experience and creating suitable psychological charge , or putting students in a certain psychological situation and producing the corresponding psychological changes .

  21. 体育课程作为一门以身体练习为主要手段,以增进学生健康为目的的必修课程,理应在培养学生的体育学习兴趣,提高学生的体质健康水平方面发挥应有的作用。

    As a required lesson , physical education curriculum aims at improve the students ' health level by means of lots of exercise . Physical education should play an important role in arousing the students ' interest in physical training and building up the students ' health .

  22. 加强学生身体素质练习的必要性与措施

    The Necessity and Measures of Improving Students ' Physical Quality Training

  23. 浅谈体育教学中的身体素质练习

    Discussion on the Body Quality Exercise in Physical Teaching

  24. 具备轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。

    With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains .

  25. 体育舞蹈讲求速度和力度,这就需要体育舞蹈者加强专项速度和力量身体素质练习。

    Ballroom dancing needs speed and force . This requires Ballroom dancers to strengthen the special training on the body ability of speed-force .

  26. 在每次选项课临近结束之前,穿插安排一般或者专项的身体素质练习,以提高学生的基础身体素质。

    Near the end of each option before the class , interspersed with the general or special arrangements for the physical exercises to improve their basic physical fitness . 5 .

  27. 瑜伽健身的主要作用是通过各种身体姿势练习和语言冥想,调解、完善学生的神经系统和内分泌系统的功能。

    The yoga main function was contemplates through each kind of bodily posture practice and the language , the mediation , consummated student 's nervous system and the endocrine system function .

  28. 专注于大象的能力而作冥想,相应地将唤醒修持者强大的体能与性能。具备轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。

    Meditation , one-pointedly centered upon the power of the elephant , will awaken that force or light . With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains .

  29. 搞好防守体能和对抗训练,着重加强身体素质的练习,如速度、力量和反应速度等。

    The training on physical attributes mainly focuses on speed , strength and reactive speed .

  30. 幼儿园的体育活动多以游戏为主,普遍运动负荷较低,发展身体素质的练习不足。

    Kindergarten play-based multi-sports activities , generally lower exercise load , lack of development of physical fitness exercises .