
  • 网络tennis court
  1. 如果球飞出网球场地,就叫其中的一个男孩把它扔进来。

    If the ball goes out of the tennis court , ask one of the boys to chuck it in .

  2. 网球场地数量相对不足,不能满足网球教学使用。

    Tennis court the relative quantity is insufficient , which can not meet the tennis teaching use . 3 .

  3. 大部分高校网球场地课外时间开放,收费的占小部分。

    Most universities tennis extracurricular time open , charging a fraction .

  4. 然而硬地又是网球场地中最具代表性的场地。

    However hard it is the most representative in the tennis venue .

  5. 同年,在美国出现了第一个真正意义上的网球场地。

    In the same year , the first courts appeared in the United States .

  6. 结合南昌市的实际情况,制定出合理适宜的网球场地收费标准。

    With the actual situation of Nanchang City , to develop a suitable tennis reasonable charges . 5 .

  7. 另外还设有游泳池、体育馆、网球场地、美容院以及装修精美的洗车店。

    Facilities like swimming pool , gym , tennis court , beauty shop and even a dedicated car wash area .

  8. 中国网球场地物质领域和器材制造领域较西方国家差距较大。

    Chinese tennis has a larger gap than Western countries in the field of material and equipment manufacturing . 3 .

  9. 学生自备网球拍占大部分。5课外时间网球场地运行良好,主要以学生活动为主。

    Student tennis racket accounted for the bulk of . 5 extra time tennis running well , mainly in student activities .

  10. 网球场地的建设需要很高的费用,不妨建设一些网球墙等其它熟悉球性的练习设施。

    Tennis venue construction need high cost , trying to build some of the tennis wall and other familiar with ball sexual practice facility .

  11. 第三、科学管理现有的网球场地,多渠道利用社会资金,提高场地利用率。

    Third , make the existing tennis courts under scientific management , use social capital at all channels , and improve the courts utilization .

  12. 当你坐在温布尔顿网球中心场地时已不能用简单的语言来形容那种激动的心情。

    The thrill of sitting at center court at fabled Wimbledon words can simply not describe .

  13. 网球落到场地外时,那个男孩便把它扔进去。

    When the ball went out of the tennis court , the boy chucked it in .

  14. 男子职业网球选手红土场地得失分统计分析

    Statistics Analysis about men 's Professional Tennis Player on Red Soil Locality

  15. 网球运动尽管场地不算大,但球速很快,运动员必须要快速移动,才能击出有爆发力和良好控制的球。

    The small size of count and the fastness of tennis ball demand the player move swiftly if he wants to strike back the ball with sudden spurt of energy as well as within his full control .

  16. 重庆市高校进行网球教学的场地资源有限,高校对网球教学设施投入不够。

    Chongqing University for tennis teaching is limited with resources , with practice wall . Some colleges and universities have only a handful of indoor venues . Input of university teaching facilities for tennis is not enough .

  17. 跑步不需要人陪,也不像网球需要特殊的场地,只要有双跑鞋就够了。

    And you don 't need a partner to go running , you don 't need a particular place , like in tennis , just a pair of trainers .

  18. 无论是竞技水平,网球人口,还是场地设施建设,各级各类赛事的频率和质量,都得到了很大的提升。

    Not only the Athletics Level , the tennis population , but also the construction of the facilities and the all kinds ' tournaments ' frequency and quality have represented a great improvement .

  19. 但是通过网前得分率和成功率可以看出,我国优秀女子网球选手在红土场地的比赛中,对上网时机的把握没有外国优秀女子网球选手准确,网前技术的进攻性也没有外国选手强。

    However , through the net scoring rate and success rate , it can be seen that the elite women tennis players are not as accurate as foreign elite female tennis players on the grasp of the net opportunity on the clay court .

  20. 随后,它很快地传到了英国,那时亨利七世和八世是网球的痴迷者,他们还下令建造很多网球场地。

    It soon spread to England , where both Henry VII and Henry VIII were avid players who promoted the building of more courts .

  21. 利用网球墙进行网球教学和训练是解决现在高校网球场地缺乏,人多场地少等因素的可行性方略。

    That using tennis wall in the teaching and training in Colleges and universities is the feasible plan to solve the lack of present tennis courts , and many factors like person is more than ground .

  22. 加大对网球事业的重视,集社会之合力,加大网球运动资金投入,逐步增加网球场地数量,改善场地状况。

    To increase the importance of tennis , set the community together , increase capital investment tennis , gradually increase the number of tennis courts to improve the condition of the ground .

  23. 一是网球师资比较匮乏,并且师资水平参差不齐,虽然大连市高校开设网球课比较普遍,仍不能满足学生需求;二是网球场地比较缺乏,尤其是室内球场。

    First , more tennis teacher shortage and the uneven quality of teachers , while colleges and universities in Dalian to open tennis lessons are relatively common , still can not satisfy the student demand ; Second , compare the lack of tennis courts , especially the indoor stadium .