
  • 网络online auction;Auction Online;E-Auction
  1. 近年来,随着电子商务和Internet技术的不断发展,网上拍卖作为电子商务的一个新兴领域得到了迅速发展。

    In the recent years , online auction developed rapidly as a new field in Electronic Commerce ( EC ), with the fast growth of EC and Internet .

  2. 基于CORBA的网上拍卖系统

    Online Auction System Based on CORBA

  3. 本文提出的方法使得智能Agent能够同时监视多宗网上拍卖。

    This paper presents the design of an autonomous Agent that can participate across multiple online auctions .

  4. 文章首先对Agent技术、网上拍卖的基本理论、网上拍卖交易业务流程进行了系统的分析,然后结合Agent的技术特点和顾客购买行为特性,给出了基于Agent的网上拍卖流程设计。

    And then , proposes the process of agent-based online auction according to the characteristic of Agent and customer behavior model .

  5. 2008年,巴黎商业法庭(ParisCommercialCourt)在一起针对网上拍卖行的诉讼中,判定这家奢侈品牌胜诉。

    In 2008 , the Paris Commercial Court found in favour of the luxury brand in a suit against the online auction house .

  6. 用JMS技术实现网上拍卖系统实时信息发布功能

    Realizing the Function of Real-time Message Distribution for Internet Auction System by Using JMS Technology

  7. 一些接近Google的人士正在力推一个更加戏剧性的方案,即通过网上拍卖收集认购定单。

    A more dramatic answer being pushed by some people close to Google would be to collect orders through an online auction .

  8. 无独有偶,总部在美国的国际野生生物保护学会(theWildlifeConservationSociety)最近也对玻利维亚新发现的一种猴子的命名权进行了网上拍卖。

    BIOPAT is not alone : the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society , for instance , recently auctioned the name of a new Bolivian monkey species online .

  9. 电脑使用者也可以在类似eBay这样的进行网上拍卖的网站上搜索。

    Computer users also can search for them on Internet auction Web sites , like eBay .

  10. C2C网上拍卖中的信任计算模型研究

    Trust Computing Model for C2C Online Auctions

  11. 亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)经济学家戴维o赖利(DavidReiley)自eBay出现之前就一直在研究网上拍卖。

    David Reiley , an economist at the University of Arizona , has been studying online auctions since before eBay existed .

  12. 网上拍卖是传统拍卖模式和电脑信息科技结合的新型态电子商务,它通过Internet将过去只有少数人才能参与的贵族式的商品交换形式,变成每一位网民都可以加入其中的平民化交易方式。

    Online auction is a new Electronic Business integrated with traditional auction and computer information technology . Everyone can join in online auction through Internet which changed the noble commodity trade mode only few people can take part in .

  13. 他还创办了互联网支付公司PayPal,该公司现为网上拍卖网站Ebay所有。

    He also started the Internet payment service , PayPal , which is now owned by online auction store , Ebay .

  14. 但就在不久前,SOHO中国在网上拍卖银河SOHO的商铺,且取得了成功,让人们看到了网上购房的前景。

    This is true that someone bought the shop house of SOHO China through online bidding and the move shows a bright future of online house trade .

  15. 首先论文介绍了国内外的网上拍卖系统背景,对WEBService进行了详细的分析介绍,对Java技术与XML技术进行了研究,分析了Java与XML结合的优势及可行性。

    This paper introduces the first online auction system at home and abroad against the background of Web Service to conduct a detailed analysis of introduction of Java technology and XML technology for the research , analyzed the combination of Java and XML the feasibility and advantages .

  16. Samwer兄弟在1999年觅得了第一桶金,他们在成功成立了一家相似的网上拍卖行Alando后,又回卖给了eBay。

    The Samwers scored their first success in 1999 with Alando , an online auction house which they sold to eBay .

  17. 尽管大多数人知道有些新奇的公司注定要失败,但还是诞生了一些优秀的公司,如雅虎、Ebay(网上拍卖)、Paypal(在线付款)等,以及许多优异的产品,宽带就是其中之一。

    Despite some of the bizarre and doomed to failure companies that most people are aware of , there were some very good companies that were born , e.g.Yahoo , Ebay , Paypal * and good products .

  18. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  19. 不过,即便已经处于“严重磨损状况”,在当地时间上周六举办的网上拍卖中,乔布斯在1984年与世界上第一台Macintosh的合照中佩戴的那块Seiko手表还是以4.25万美元的价格被拍走了。

    Even in " heavily worn condition , " however , the Seiko wristwatch that Jobs wore in a 1984 photo shoot with the original Macintosh still fetched $ 42500 in an online auction Saturday .

  20. 马云还通过和雅虎进行战略合作(纳斯达克上市名称:YHOO),使得阿里巴巴进军搜索引擎领域。旗下的个人网上拍卖平台“淘宝网”在中国的规模也超过易趣网(纳斯达克上市名称EBAY)。

    Ma has also taken Alibaba into search , engines through a joint venture with Yahoo ( NASDAO : YHOO ) , and his Taobao online auction site has become bigger than eBay ( NASDAO : EBAY ) in China .

  21. 他的公司IcahnAssociates报告持有2780万股网上拍卖公司eBay的股票,还增持了280万股苹果公司(Apple)股票,持股总量增加60%,达到了750万股以上,价值约为40亿美元。

    His firm , Icahn Associates , reported that it loaded up on 27.8 million shares of eBay ( EBAY ) , the online-auction company along with another 2.8 million shares of Apple ( AAPL ) , increasing its total stake in the company by 60 % to more than 7.5 million shares worth around $ 4 billion .

  22. 网上拍卖的风险防范机制及其发展研究

    Online Auction of Risk Prevention Mechanisms and the Development of Research

  23. 很多人发现网上拍卖,为他们的工作。

    Many people have found internet auctions work well for them .

  24. 基于电子商务网站的网上拍卖系统

    Network auction system based on e - business internet service provider

  25. 网上拍卖竞买者出价来到过程的特征研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Bid Arrival Process in Online Auctions

  26. 网上拍卖具有许多传统拍卖所不具备的优点,也在逐渐兴起。

    Online auction is on the rise gradually because of its merit .

  27. 拍卖理论的最新进展&多属性网上拍卖研究

    New Research Advancement of the Theory of Auction & Multi-Attribute Auction Online

  28. 网上拍卖与无形资产定价研究

    A Study on Online Auctions and Pricing of Intangible Assets

  29. 玉米赤霉烯酮的直接酶联免疫分析浅析网上拍卖

    Direct Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay for Zearalenone An Analysis of Online Auctions

  30. 多维网上拍卖优化机制与决策模型研究

    Study on Multi-Dimensional Auction Online Optimal Mechanism and Decision Model