
  • 网络Congestion;network congestion
  1. 基于速率的网络拥塞控制H∞反馈控制器设计

    H_ ∞ Feedback Controller Design for Network Congestion Control Based on Flow Rate

  2. 本论文解决网络拥塞控制的方法是QoS(QualityOfService)技术。

    Network congestion control is solved by the QoS ( Quality of Service ) technology in this thesis . 5 .

  3. 网络拥塞问题一直困扰着互联网(Internet)发展。

    The development of Internet has been encumbered with the congestion problem .

  4. Internet业务量的剧增,使得网络拥塞已经成为一个十分重要的问题。

    With the great increase of Internet traffic , network traffic congestion has become an important issue .

  5. 当网络拥塞发生时,它也不能根据不同的服务级别提供有区别的对待和QoS保证。

    It can 't provide QoS guarantee for different service classes .

  6. 基于入度调整的结构化P2P网络拥塞控制算法

    Congestion Control Algorithm for Structured P2P Networks Based on Indegree Adjustment

  7. 基于热点簇的adhoc网络拥塞回避算法

    Congestion Mitigation Algorithm Based on Hotspot-Cluster for Ad Hoc Networks

  8. ATM网络拥塞控制的智能PID方法研究

    Research of Intelligent PID Control for Congestion in ATM Network

  9. 基于多业务QoS的网络拥塞控制算法研究

    Research of Network Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Multi-service QoS

  10. 考虑小世界特性的adhoc网络拥塞控制

    Ad Hoc Network Congestion Control Considering Small World Characteristic

  11. 一种无线adhoc网络拥塞的解决方案

    A Solution to the Jam in Wireless Ad hoc

  12. ATM网络拥塞预防的动态负载平衡策略

    A Strategy of Congestion Preventing in ATM with Dynamic Load Balancing

  13. 积极队列管理是IP网络拥塞控制的主要手段之一。

    Active queue management ( AQM ) is one of the main congestion control methods in IP network .

  14. 模糊逻辑控制方法在ATM网络拥塞控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Logic Control Method in Congestion Control of ATM Networks

  15. CDMA无线侧网络拥塞问题分析和解决

    CDMA Wireless Side of Network Congestion Problem Analysis and Resolution

  16. 解决ATM网络拥塞的一种控制方法

    A Control Method of Settling ATM Switch Network Congestion

  17. 基于双时钟的CDMA移动通信网络拥塞软处理方法

    Double-clock-based soft process method for CDMA mobile communication networks

  18. 传统Internet服务的单一性已经不能满足当前需求,从而产生了了带宽的急剧消耗和网络拥塞。

    This brings us to the rapid consumption of bandwidth and network congestion problems , the traditional single Internet service can not meet current needs .

  19. RED算法通过检测网络拥塞水平,提前发送拥塞信号来控制拥塞,从而避免严重拥塞的发生。

    RED gateways detect the current network congestion level , and send congestion signals to the sources before serious congestion to control congestion .

  20. 基于IPv6数据包标记的网络拥塞控制算法

    Internet Congestion Control Algorithm Based on IPv6 Packet Mark

  21. 早期的网络拥塞控制研究主要集中于改进端系统的TCP拥塞控制机制,取得了一定的研究成果。

    The early network congestion control has focused on improving TCP congestion control and got some achievements .

  22. 但是非Agent结构的数据仓库系统还存在着网络拥塞、网络信息不容易协调、视图更新不一致的问题。

    But non-Agent structure data warehouse system has some problems , such as network congestion , difficulty in harmonizing network information and views updating discordantly .

  23. 一种基于网络拥塞状态的SYNFlooding攻击检测方法

    Method for Detection of SYN Flooding Attack Based on Network Congestion

  24. 在Internet中,主机通过TCP协议中的拥塞控制机制来根据网络拥塞程度调节自身的数据发送速率,防止网络出现严重的拥塞。

    In the Internet , TCP congestion control mechanism enables end host to adjust its throughput according to the congestion level inside the network .

  25. 网络拥塞机制的优劣直接影响WSN的共享资源能量的利用率、网络QoS的性能。

    Control mechanism of congestion is the key technique affecting the energy utilization and the network QoS .

  26. P2P模式与C/S模式相比较,减轻了服务器的负载并且减少了网络拥塞;

    To compare P2P model and C / S model , Reducing the server load and the network jam ;

  27. IP组播在诸如多媒体应用这种多用户大数量数据传输方面较单播传输能节省较大的带宽及减少网络拥塞。

    IP Multicast has an advantage of saving the bandwidth and reducing the possibility of congestion in the field of transmitting massive multimedia data .

  28. 基于PID型ILC的网络拥塞控制算法研究及其仿真

    The Research of PID-type ILC Based on Network Congestion Control Algorithm and Its Simulation

  29. 随机早期检测(randomearlydetection,RED)算法是为TCP流设计的一个主动队列管理机制,能在一定程度上缓解网络拥塞。

    Random early detection ( RED ) algorithm is an active queue management mechanism for TCP flows , which can alleviate the network congestion in a certain extent .

  30. 为了解决网络拥塞和服务超载的严峻问题,本文提出了基于SOAP的异构Web服务器集群负载均衡解决方案。

    In order to resolve the Web congestion and server overload problem , this paper introduced an isomerous Web server cluster load balancing based on SOAP .