
  • 网络network assets;Web Property
  1. 去年夏天,华为曾竞购摩托罗拉的无线网络资产,但最终败给诺基亚西门子通信(NSN)。

    Last summer , it lost out to Nokia Siemens Networks in bidding for the wireless network assets of Motorola .

  2. 也有人认为,苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)和微软(Microsoft)这样的公司也许希望部分收购黑莓比如它的安全网络资产或专利但私有化收购与只出售一部分大不相同。

    There are arguments that companies like apple ( AAPL ) , Google ( GOOG ) or Microsoft ( MSFT ) may want select piece of BlackBerry such as its secured network assets or patents but being amenable to a take-private buyout is much different than enabling a strip sale .

  3. 采用GIS技术对网络资产进行可视化电子信息管理,可提高管理水平和工作效率。

    Network operators can adopt GIS technology to carry on network assets visual to manage , improve the management level and working efficiency .

  4. DST在俄罗斯拥有多项人气甚高的网络资产,涉及一系列通信、游戏和社交网站,类似于腾讯在中国的运营格局。

    DST owns several popular web properties in Russia through a portfolio of communications , gaming and social networking sites that closely mirrors Tencent 's in China .

  5. 价值型网络资产生命周期管理模式探讨

    Discussion on Value-based Network Assets Lifecycle Management Mode

  6. 出现了新的云服务技术,它们可能影响软件、硬件和网络资产。

    New cloud service technologies arise that can impact software , hardware , and network assets .

  7. 同时论证了构成社会资本的参与资产、关系资产对创新决策有积极促进作用,研究网络资产、参与资产与关系资产对创新激进性决策有明显促进作用。

    The participation asset and relation asset of social capital accelerate industrial innovation decision . The location selection mechanism is posted .

  8. 阵地电信网络资产的测量方法,利用激光束的,无与伦比的速度,精度和可重复性。

    The positions of telecom network assets are measured , using laser beams , with unrivalled speed , precision and repeatability .

  9. 网络资产管理是对与互联网相关的硬件、软件和人员等资源的规划和管理。

    Network Inventory Management plans and manages the hardware , software , administrators and so on , which are related to Internet .

  10. 网络资产专用性适用于这样一种情况:一项资源或竞争力在属于某一企业网络时,相对于其在外部市场而言,具有更高的价值。

    Network specificity applies where resources or capabilities have greater value as part of a particular network of firms , than in the general marketplace .

  11. 这个想法基于采用开放式架构,提供运营商更高的灵活性和调节现有网络资产与下一步投资的能力。

    The idea is that it uses open architecture , giving service providers more flexibility and the ability to leverage existing network assets and investments .

  12. 近年,国家对文化体制进行改革,要求经营性网络资产剥离,由事业性质转制为企业性质,市场化经营管理。

    Recent years , China held cultural system reform , the business network asset was asked to be stripped , to transform into the enterprise , and market-oriented management .

  13. 这种关联的强度在1996到2001年之间急剧增加。本文还根据经济学和企业战略理论中的资产和企业资产专用性,引入了一个概念:网络资产专用性。

    The strength of the correlation increased dramatically between 1996 and 2001.The research also introduces network specificity , from asset and firm specificity of the economics and strategy literatures .

  14. 物流网络的资产属性与管理政策研究

    Studies on Property Attributes and Managerial Policies of Logistics Network

  15. 基于无线传感器网络的资产智能化系统研究

    Assets Intelligence System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

  16. 无论是新兴公司还是已经发展成熟的企业,如果想要建立成功的网络媒体资产,那么以下是必须要面对的不争事实。

    Whether you 're a start-up or an established company , here are the hard truths you must face if you want to build a successful online media property .

  17. 这也就意味着,投资者在做出购买决定时,考虑的不仅仅是对未来收益的期许,还有对社交网络无形资产的肯定,社交媒体的品牌价值就从很大程度上代表着这些无形资产。

    This means that investors ' purchase decisions not only include future expectations but also the intangible assets of the social networks , whereas brand value represents a considerable part of these assets .

  18. 网络环境媒体资产管理核心技术研究

    Research of core technical in media asset management on the network environment

  19. 浅析转型后广电网络企业固定资产的管理

    Analysis on the Management of Fixed Assets of Radio and Television Networks Enterprise after the Restructuring

  20. 基于投影寻踪网络算法的资产损失率预报模型研究

    Study on the Forecast Model of Loss Rate for Flood Disaster Affected Bodies Based on the Projection Pursuit Neural Network Algorithm

  21. 您必须能够管理所有物理/虚拟硬件、网络和软件资产,包括为审计和遵从性目的而访问资产。

    You have to be able to manage all physical / virtual hardware , network , and software assets , including being able to provide access to assets for audit and compliance purposes .

  22. 基于ARTⅡ网络的煤炭资源资产分类研究

    The Study on the Classification of Coal Resources Assets Based on ART ⅱ Networks

  23. XX省移动公司经过10年的高速发展,在电信市场占据了不可撼动的地位,这在很大程度上有赖于网络也即固定资产优势。

    After 10 years of rapid development , mobile communication company has occupied an unshakable position in the telecom market . This is largely due to the advantage of the network that is the fixed assets of the company .

  24. 而且,如果AWS网络中的一些资产也决定被销毁,您可以确信您的任务关键型消息不会被丢失&它们将继续存在于任意数量的其他机器上。

    What 's more , if some asset in the AWS network also decides to kick the bucket , you can bet that your mission-critical messages won 't be lost & they 'll still exist on any number of other machines .

  25. 网络游戏中虚拟资产交易平台的构建

    Conceiving and Building up the Virtual Capitals Exchange Platform in Internet Game

  26. 论网络对高校固定资产管理的影响

    The influence of Internet on the Management of High School Fixed Assets

  27. 自适应共振理论网络在煤炭资源资产分类中的应用研究

    Application of adaptive resonance theory networks in the classification of coal resources assets

  28. 介绍了利用网络管理好国有资产的意义和方法。

    This article introduces the meanings and methods of managing state assets well with network .

  29. 利用网络管理好国有资产

    Managing State Assets well with Network

  30. 我们必须不断投资,改善区内的通讯及运输网络,包括有形资产和服务质素两方面。

    We must continue to invest and upgrade the communication and transportation networks in the region , covering both physical assets and the quality of service .