
shēn tǐ zī shì
  • body position;body gesture;carriage of body
  1. 身体姿势和形体练习文献综述

    The Summary of Reference Documents on Body Position and Body Shape Exercise

  2. 京晶:那是不是像用手势和保持一个开放的身体姿势?

    Is that like using gestures and keeping an open body position ?

  3. 研究的局限性:本次研究仅采用2-D摄像分析系统来采集女性肥胖儿童背负不同重量书包上楼梯时的运动生物力学的身体姿势、步态和足底的指标。

    Study limitations : This study only used 2 - D camera analysis system to collect different weight women obese children carried on the stairs bag of sports biomechanics body posture , gait and foot indicators .

  4. 构成我国妇女不良形体的因素及对策&探索中青年性反s形身体姿势的形成和纠正

    The Reasons and Countermeasures on Badness Physique of the National Woman

  5. 如何使用正确的面部表情、身体姿势、手势。

    How to use proper facial expression , posture and gesture .

  6. 在长的身体姿势时并无推进力产生。

    In the long-side position there is no propulsion being effected .

  7. 身体姿势是对呼吸效果起决定性作用的因素。

    Body posture determines the efficiency of your breathing . '

  8. 从他们的脸上表情和身体姿势都看得出来,

    You see it on their faces and their bodies ,

  9. 身体姿势对腰椎小关节受力的影响

    Effect of body posture on the lumbar facet joints in resisting force

  10. 如果严重的话全般身体姿势就会变型。

    When you are tense your whole body posture tends to change .

  11. 目的了解背负重量对少年儿童身体姿势的影响。

    Objective To estimate the influence of weight bearing on children 's posture .

  12. 被动型的身体姿势表现为害羞。

    The passive body type has a withdrawn posture .

  13. 身体姿势主要有三种:被动型、咄咄逼人型和自信型。

    There are three main behaviour types : passive , aggressive and assertive .

  14. 而更有可能是由于你在电脑前身体姿势的问题。

    It 's more likely caused by your physical positioning at the computer .

  15. 正念培训班的重点在于做集中注意力冥思时所采用的身体姿势和精神策略。

    The mindfulness class emphasized the physical posture and mental strategies of focused-attention meditation .

  16. 对于封面人物,他们多偏好皮肤白暂,摆出S型曲线身体姿势的女星。

    The cover girl has white skin , put S-shaped body posture are their favorite .

  17. 浅谈基本体操在培养学生正确的身体姿势和美育方面的作用

    On the Function of Basic Gymnastics of Developing Students ' Correct Body Posture and Art Education

  18. 像伸腿这样的、舒张的身体姿势会给人以一种力量的感觉。

    Expansive body postures , like stretching one 's legs , confer a sense of power .

  19. 接下来的几幅插图里,最上面的照片描述了长的身体姿势,这也是被鼓吹最多的。

    In the following illustration the top picture depicts the long-side position that is frequently advocated .

  20. 顺势滑下无需进一步使用推力来运动在长的身体姿势时并无推进力产生。

    To move without further use of propelling power . In the long-side position there is no propulsion being effected .

  21. 如果你想要和某人建立起密切的关系,或者快速得到某人的信任,和他们的身体姿势和位置保持一致。

    If you want to build rapport or gain someone 's trust quickly , match their body posture and position .

  22. 太极拳劲力主要受放松、身体姿势、意念和呼吸等因素的影响。

    Physical Latent Force of Taijiquan is affected principally by relaxation , body pose , thought , respiration and so on .

  23. 一旦你找到触壁的身体姿势和感觉之后,你可以增加一些速度。

    Once you get a feel for your body position of the touch , you can start to add some speed .

  24. 它是由人的面部表情、身体姿势、肢体动作和体位变化而构成的种种图象符号。

    It is the facial expressions , body posture , limb movements and postural changes in a variety of symbolic images .

  25. 游泳冠军们不会在爬泳和仰泳的一侧位置时使用夸张的长的,细的身体姿势。

    Champion swimmers do not illustrate swimming in an exaggerated long , thin , on the side position in either crawl or backstroke .

  26. 在自由姿势中,运动员身体姿势可自由选择,但双脚必须并拢,脚尖绷直。

    In the free position , a diver 's Body position is optional But the legs shall be together and the toes pointed .

  27. 你可以从对方的面部表情和身体姿势等细节中获得信息,以便完全把握说话人所想对你表达的看法。

    Look for non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and posture to get the full gist of what the speaker is telling you .

  28. 其次,从手势动作、身体姿势、面部表情三方面特征对自然手语词展开词义构成分析和描写。

    Second , from gestures , body movements posture , facial expression of natural features on hand words meaning constitute analysis and description .

  29. 男性和女性都会出现“镜子效应”,潜意识的模仿另外一方的身体姿势。

    Both partners may engage in ' mirroring ' , which is subconsciously copying the actions of the other person 's body positions .

  30. 瑜伽运动是一种具有缓解心理压力、改善不良身体姿势、增强脊柱柔韧性等独特功效的锻炼项目。

    Yoga movement is a kind of ease the psychological pressure , improve bad posture and enhance spinal flexibility and unique efficacy of exercise program .