
léi tóng
  • Similarities;be a duplicate;be much the same;echoing what others have said;be identical like clappers of thunder
雷同 [léi tóng]
  • [be a duplicate;be identical like clappers of thunder;echoing what others have said; be much the same] 雷一发声,万物同时响应。今泛指事物与人相同者

  • 毋剿说,毋雷同。--《礼记.曲礼上》

  • 世雷同而炫曜兮,何毁誉之昧昧。--《楚辞.九辩》

雷同[léi tóng]
  1. 如与真人、真实地点或真实事件有雷同之处,纯属巧合。

    Any resemblance to actual persons , places or events is purely coincidental

  2. 这两篇文章雷同的地方很多,并非巧合所致。

    The similarity between these two essays is too great to be coincidental .

  3. 毋剿说,毋雷同。(《礼记》)

    Do not plagiarize and do not copy .

  4. 两种说法雷同。

    The two statements sound identical .

  5. 所引用的实验曲线也出现雷同的表现

    The cited experimental curves analogously with simulation appearances found in this study .

  6. 这也给设备制造商们带来压力,它们要在CCSInsight分析师本?伍德(BenWood)所称的“雷同之海”中逆流前进。

    It also puts pressure on device makers to swim against the tide of what CCS Insight analyst Ben Wood calls the " sea of sameness . "

  7. 由9位随机抽选的外行人士、也就是所谓的陪审团认为,鉴于三星智能手机功能雷同iphone,疑点重重,因此不妨称三星为“山寨星”。

    According to nine randomly selected laymen which is to say , a jury samsungmight as well be known as samesung , since features of its smart phone suspiciously resemble the iPhone .

  8. 不过,她警告说该服务可能很难吸引客户——尤其是在差不多每个街道拐角都设有便利店的纽约。这些便利店出售的许多商品都与亚马逊PrimeNow服务提供的商品雷同。

    However , she warned the service could struggle to gain traction with customers , especially in New York where there are drug stores on nearly every street corner selling many of the same items as Amazon 's Prime Now service .

  9. 光纤复合架空相线(OPPC)的结构与光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)雷同,但从功能到应用环境却有原则区别,而且OPPC更适合于老线路换线工程。

    The structure of OPPC is identical with OPGW , but it has principle difference from function to application environment seriousness and OPPC is better to use for retrofitting of old line .

  10. 云龙组单元的水动力面貌基本雷同于上白垩统。古新世,水头值约0.3m~2.0m。

    The hydrodynamic features of Yunlong Formation unit was similar to that of Upper Cretaceous and the difference of the head of water was about 0.3 m ~ 0.2 m during Palaeocene .

  11. 然而,全国各地大规模、快速化的大学校园建设也带来了诸多问题,校园建筑形象雷同、缺乏个性便是其中之一。

    However , the extensive and quick construction bring many problems .

  12. 监狱生活给人一种平淡压抑、雷同单调的经历。

    Life in prison gives an experience of routine stifling sameness .

  13. 低质、雷同化的动画产品最终将被踢出市场。

    Low quality animation products will be kicked out of market .

  14. 然而,随着旅游的发展,商业化氛围过浓、旅游产品单一、雷同等问题也逐渐暴露出来。

    However , problems also arise with the development of tourism .

  15. 她的生活方式和你的雷同仍是不同?

    Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ?

  16. 现今好莱坞的电影都十分雷同。

    Hollywood films are all the bleeding same these days .

  17. 这就是为什么她手下弟子的风格从来没有雷同的。

    That 's why none of her couples look alike .

  18. 它们呈现是警告你不要重犯和以前雷同的毛病;

    They come to warn you against repeating the same old mistakes ;

  19. 地区之间产业结构是否雷同?

    Whether the industry structures among the Chinese provinces are the same ?

  20. 别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!

    Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly !

  21. 这一概念与街道地址系统雷同。

    The concept is similar to a street address system .

  22. 问:学琴与训动员训练有雷同之处吗?

    Q : what do piano lessons and athletics have in common ?

  23. 它同我们今天的现实颇有雷同之处。

    It has some parallels to our own day .

  24. 几乎所有的行为荒谬性,均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。

    Almost all behaviors absurd all originate mimicry those our impossibly similar person .

  25. 人们会一直有雷同的创意。

    People produce the same ideas all the time .

  26. 该税种不但有违税收的立法原则,而且,土地增值额与企业所得税应纳税所得额计算有雷同之处,对纳税人同一笔收入有重复计税现象。

    The paper thinks that it goes against the principle of tax legislation .

  27. 每项目组的设置办法是雷同的只是包含不合的设置。

    Both sections are configured the same way but may contain different settings .

  28. 精神病学已在鼓励雷同一致方面起到了它的作用。

    Psychiatry already plays its part in encouraging conformity .

  29. 论目前歌曲创作的雷同现象及对策

    The Similarity and Solution of Current Song Creation

  30. 与此同时,手机制造商与个人电脑制造商并无雷同之处。

    Meanwhile , handset makers are nothing like the companies that produce personal computers .