
  1. 论石材工业废渣中人造金刚石的回收

    On recovery of artificial diamond from industrial waste of stone mineral

  2. 石材工业技术创新的综合分析

    The Synthesize Analysis of Technical Innovation in the Stone Industry Field

  3. 试论山东省石材工业的整体发展

    Talk about the Whole Development of the Province Stone Material Industry of Shandong

  4. 为中国石材工业的繁荣与发展做出应有的贡献。

    For Chinese stone material industrial prosperity and development to make due contributions .

  5. 菱苦土磨具及其在石材工业中的应用

    Oxychloride Abrasives and their Application in Stone Working

  6. 云浮石材工业经过二十多年的发展,从小到大,从弱到强,取得了辉煌的成就。

    The Yunfu stone industry has made significant achievements in terms of its scale after twenty-years ' development .

  7. 同时,石材工业生产中造成了大量的矿石资源的废弃,并且污染严重。

    At the same time , more and more ore resource is disused as the development of stone industry , which occupies large areas .

  8. 随着我国石材工业的发展,为满足石材加工设备的大量需求,研制了水冷式工频大电流烧结机。

    In order to meet the needs of stone processing equipment along with the development of domestic stone industry , an industrial frequency heavy current sintering machine of water-cooled type was developed .

  9. 通过分析提出的云浮石材工业企业和云浮石材业总体发展的战略思考,对石材工业和企业制定未来的发展战略,构建核心能力和培植长久的竞争优势,有着一定的参考意义。

    The strategic consideration of the Yunfu stone industry enterprises , which is proposed through analysis , has great reference value for the establishment of the future development strategy , construction of the capacity and cultivation of the long-term competition advantage .

  10. 本文运用战略管理的理论,对云浮石材工业进行了较为全面的分析比较,其分析研究的结果对了解石材行业竞争的现状、存在的问题有一定的帮助。

    The thesis makes a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the Yunfu stone industry by applying the frontier of the strategic management , the result of which is of great help for the understanding the present competition situation and the existing problems .

  11. 既可自动计算钾、铀、钍含量,又可用于现场快速检测石材、建材和工业废渣中天然放射性核素226Ra、232Th、40K的比活度,并可区分A、B、C3类建材产品。

    It can be used both to automatically calculate contents of 40 K , U and Th , and to fast measure the specific activity of natural radioactive nuclides 226 Ra , 232 Th and 40 K in stones and architecture materials and industrial wastes on the spot .

  12. 经过定性和定量分析,认为旅游业和以陶瓷、水泥、石材为主的建材工业最有希望成为宁远的主导产业。

    Through quantitative and qualitative analysis , tourism and construction material industry focusing on pottery , cement and stone material get the greatest potential to be the primary industry .