
  • 网络Stone Curtain Wall;Natural Stone Curtain Wall
  1. 浅谈监理对石材幕墙工程施工的质量控制

    On Construction Quality Control in Supervision of Stone Curtain Wall Engineering

  2. 超高层建筑石材幕墙安装技术

    Installation technology for stone curtain wall of super high-rise buildings

  3. 在JGJ133-2001规范中未对非花岗岩石材幕墙应用做出规定,近年来这类石材幕墙工程应用日渐增多。

    The standard ( JGJ133-2001 ) sets out requirements of the application of non-granite stone curtain walls , which are increasingly used nowadays .

  4. 提高石材幕墙水密性及气密性的方法和对策

    Methods and Strategies to Improve Watertightness and Airtightness of Curtain Walls

  5. 对非花岗岩石材幕墙应用的若干建议

    Some suggestions for application of Non-granite stone panel to curtain wall

  6. 面板背部连接的石材幕墙设计

    Design of curtain wall of back - connected stone panel

  7. 石材幕墙抗震设计与抗震性能试验

    Scismic design and earthquake resistant test of stone curtain wall

  8. 浅谈石材幕墙中胀锚螺栓施工质量控制

    Talking about the Quality-controlled of Expanding-bolt Used in Stone Screen-wall

  9. 高层建筑组合式石材幕墙施工技术

    Construction Technology of Combined Stone Curtain Wall for High - Rise Building

  10. 某综合大楼石材幕墙干挂施工

    Construction of dry-fasten stone curtain wall of one building complex

  11. 石材幕墙用硅酮建筑密封胶的制备研究

    Preparation of Silicone Building Sealant for Stone Curtain Wall

  12. 干挂石材幕墙采用现浇聚氨酯保温的探讨

    Discussion on Heat Insulation Using Cast-in-Place Polyurethane for Dry Hanging Stone Curtain Wall

  13. 大型石材幕墙抗震试验研究

    Test on Anti-seismic Ability of Big Stone Curtain Wall

  14. 石材幕墙干挂施工方法

    Stone material curtain wall dry suspending construction plan

  15. 浅谈石材幕墙结构的设计

    Discussion on design of stone curtain wall structure

  16. 石材幕墙的施工质量监理

    Supervision on Construction Quality of Stone Curtain Wall

  17. 构件式石材幕墙施工技术探讨

    Constructive technology of component stone material screen wall

  18. 背栓式锚固干挂石材幕墙的应用

    Application of Back-hitch Anchoring Dryly-hanging Stone Curtain Wall

  19. 影响石材幕墙抗风压性能的若干因素分析

    Analysis of factors which effecting the wind load resistance performance of a stone curtain wall

  20. 石材幕墙施工技术

    Construction Techniques of Stone Curtain Wall

  21. 石材幕墙的深化设计

    Detailed design of stone curtain wall

  22. 干挂石材幕墙混凝土外墙外保温聚苯板施工

    Construction technology of polystyrene board in outer thermal insulation for concrete external wall with dry hanging stone curtain wall

  23. 复合铝板干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术

    The heat preservation technologies of outside wall of the composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging

  24. 通过试验分析,对背部连接石材幕墙的设计方法和构造要求提出建议,可提高这种幕墙的安全性和使用质量。

    By test analysis , design method and construction requirement are proposed for back-connected stone tile curtain wall that may improve the wall safety and use quality .

  25. 目前背栓式连接石材幕墙已在国内广泛应用,背卡、背槽连接石材幕墙已有许多工程实例。

    Back-connected stone curtain wall has been widely used in China now and a lot of projects have adopted stone curtain wall connected by back-clip and back-slot .

  26. 玻璃及石材幕墙作为新兴建筑材料正得到越来越广泛的应用,但是随着使用年限的增加,很多安全问题逐渐暴露了出来。

    Glass curtain walls and stone facades have been widely used in China , but more and more safety problems are being faced along with the time lapses .

  27. 本文根据三明市烟草大厦干挂石材幕墙施工,介绍了欧式干挂石材墙在设计、施工方面的质量控制措施。

    The paper presents the quality control measures of the design and construction of the Europear style dry fixed stone curtain wall based on the construction of Sanming Tabaco Building .

  28. 铝单板幕墙与干挂石材幕墙材料成本基本相同,但安装成本铝单板显然有较大优势。

    The costs of curtain wall materials for aluminum sheets and dry-suspending stones are basically similar , but the installation cost of the former is obviously lower that of the latter .

  29. 对石材幕墙的监理工作内容进行了详细的论述,力求提高监理对施工过程的监控效率及工程质量。

    Detail description of supervision on stone curtain wall is given in this paper for purpose of improving monitor efficiency and engineering quality in the process of construction by means of supervision .

  30. 介绍了高层建筑复合铝板幕墙、干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术的施工、质量要求及应用效果。

    The construction , the quality requirements and application conclusions of the heat preservation technologies of outside walls of composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging are introduced in this paper .