
guī tàn bàng
  • Elema;silicon carbide rod
硅碳棒[guī tàn bàng]
  1. 高温箱式电阻炉以硅碳棒为发热元件直接在炉膛内安装,热利用率高。

    High-temperature box resistance furnace has high heat use rate and taking Elema as heating component to fix in the fire pot .

  2. DB型硅碳棒的冷端部和发热部的电阻比已经发生了巨大的改进。

    Improvements in the cold-end-to-hot-zone resistance ratio between the original DB and new DB has been dramatic .

  3. SER型硅碳棒的冷端部的内径通常是堵上的。

    The ID of the SER cold end is normally plugged .

  4. 这种RU型硅碳棒通常从冷端部穿过炉壁进行安装。

    The RU is normally installed with the cold end through the wall of the furnace .

  5. 在熔炉温控范围内,SER型硅碳棒可以被替换。

    SER Elements can be replaced while the furnace is at operating temperature .

  6. 可以选择的,SER型硅碳棒有空旷的内径,常被用作加热管。

    Alternatively , the SER is available with a clear ID which allows it to be used as a tube heater .

  7. 当定购这种硅碳棒时,提供额定电阻是非常重要的。

    It is important to provide the nominal electrical resistance when ordering .

  8. 硅碳棒在玻璃容器行业中的应用

    Application of Silica Carbide Heating Elements in Glass Ware Industry

  9. 在安装这些硅碳棒时,需要用一个连桥支撑着。

    When these elements are mounted horizontally the bridge should be supported .

  10. 硅碳棒在铝液保温炉上的应用

    Application of the silicon carbide in aluminium holding furnace

  11. 同样的原因,Y型硅碳棒必须是垂直安装的。

    The Y Element should be mounted only vertically for the same reason .

  12. 这种硅碳棒不同于金属加热元件,没有固定的输出功率。

    They are not sized to a specific wattage output like metallic heating elements .

  13. 型硅碳棒有两段,总辐射面积则为75平方英寸。

    This U has two legs , for a total surface area of75 square inches .

  14. 这种硅碳棒有存货或者是收到订单后在2到3周内送到。

    They can be shipped from stock or two to three weeks after receipt of an order .

  15. 这种硅碳棒由一种新型的碳化硅制成,被归类为超级半导体。

    Elements are manufactured of green silicon carbide that is classed as an excess electron type semiconductor .

  16. 知道了能应用到硅碳棒的每平方单元辐射面积所能负荷的能量。

    Read the loading in watts per square unit of radiating surface that can be applied to the Element .

  17. 硅碳棒加热元件系竖在炉膛两旁的方形砖上。

    Silicon carbide bar heating elements on both sides of the shaft furnace in the brick on the square .

  18. 硅碳棒的冷端部的两端的接触面喷了少量铝来降低阻值。

    The first several inches of the cold ends are metallized with aluminum to provide a low-resistance contact surface .

  19. 这种硅碳棒在安装位置上没有什么特别的限制,通常采用立式的和卧式的。

    There are no restrictions on the mounting positions of Elements , although the horizontal and vertical positions are common .

  20. 新的硅碳棒应该平稳的迅速放入熔炉,以确保铝不在终端被氧化,否则可能会导致温度急增。

    The new Element should be inserted smoothly through the hot furnace but not so fast as to cause thermal shock .

  21. 在这些条件下,得知一根这种硅碳棒所能提供的总的功率,需乘以其辐射面积。

    To find the total amount of power one Element could supply under these conditions , multiply this value by the radiating surface of the Element .

  22. 介绍了硅碳棒化学性质、电气性能,以及在铝液保温炉上的应用。

    The chemical quality , electric characters of silicon carbide , and the application in the holding furnace of molten aluminium are mainly introduced in this article .

  23. 这种美国制造的硅碳棒均具备可替换性,也为亚洲和欧洲市场生产很多高阻值发热元件。

    Elements are interchangeable with all silicon carbide heating elements manufactured in the United States as well as higher resistance heating elements manufactured for the Asian and European markets .

  24. 结果表明,依据模拟结果来优化硅碳棒的排布,可使结构设计更加合理,进而可以获得分布均匀的恒温区温场。

    The results showed that the even distribution of temperature can be obtained by optimizing the arrangement of the silicon carbon sticks according to the calculation results to make the structure design more reasonable .

  25. 这些硅碳棒可以是并联的,串连的,或者是串并混联的。串联接驳器:只能用顺序形式作传送的接驳器。参阅串联传送。

    Elements may be connected in parallel , series , or any combination thereof . Serial interface : An interface that is only able to pass information in serial form . See Serial transmission .

  26. 通过分析隔热屏在高温炉内的辐射传热情况,计算出硅碳棒与水冷壁之间的金属隔热屏为6层时,其中每一层屏的理论温度。

    It analyzed the radiative transfer of the heat shield and worked out the theoretical temperature of each layer screen when putting six layers of metal heat shield between the silicon carbide and water wall . 3 .

  27. 熔炉内电能转化为热能的能量数主要依赖于硅碳棒载炉内的控制温度和气体环境。真空炉、受控环境冶金熔化炉和铸造用炉

    The amount of energy that a is capable of converting from electrical to heat energy depends on the ambient furnace temperature and atmosphere in which it is operating . vacuum or controlled environment metallurgical melting and casting furnaces