
  • 网络gadolinite
  1. 1843年,瑞士化学家C.G.莫桑德尔把硅铍钇矿分解为稀土材料氧化钇、氧化铒和氧化铽。

    In 1843 , a Swedish chemist named Carl Gustaf Mosander took gadolinite and separated it into the rare-Earth materials yttria , erbia , and terbia .

  2. 硅藻的属于或有关以双侧对称形状著名的硅藻的一种软质的银色稀土属金属元素,见于硅铍钇矿、独居石和磷钇矿中。

    Of or relating to diatoms of the class Pennales , distinguished by bilaterally symmetrical form . a soft silvery metallic element ; a rare earth of the lanthanide series ; it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime .

  3. 硅铍钇矿全分析中药材牛黄的X衍射全谱分析研究

    Studies on All-spectrum Analysis for X-ray Diffraction of Chinese Herbal Medicine Calculus Bovis

  4. 结果表明,硅铍钇矿的~(57)Fe穆斯堡尔谱是由一对Fe~(3+)双线和两对Fe~(2+)双线构成,其中的多重Fe~(2+)双线来源于次近邻效应。

    The Mossbauer spectrum of gadolinite consists of one Fe3 + doublet and two Fe2 + doublets , and the multiple Fe2 + doublets were attributed to the next nearest neighbour effect .

  5. 测定了天然硅铍钇矿和易解石在297K和81K时的~(57)Fe穆斯堡尔谱。

    Mossbauer spectra of natural gadolinite and aeschynite were measured at 297K and 81K , respectively .

  6. 从硅铍钇矿中提取工业氧化铍及混合稀土

    Extraction of Commercial Be Oxide and RE Mixed Compound from Ytterbite

  7. 稀土属金属元素,用于激光中,见于磷灰石、独居石、磷钇矿和硅铍钇矿中。

    A metallic element of the rare earth group ; used in lasers ; occurs in apatite and monazite and xenotime and ytterbite .

  8. 一种软质的银色稀土属金属元素,见于硅铍钇矿、独居石和磷钇矿中。低品位磷矿在变浓度磷酸中酸解动力学

    A soft silvery metallic element ; a rare earth of the lanthanide series ; it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime . Kinetics of Low-grade Phosphate Ores Under the Variable Concentration of Phosphoric Acid