
  1. X射线荧光光谱法测定铁矾土中二氧化硅、氧化铝和氧化铁高硅矿对高温高酸&黄钾铁矾除铁工艺的影响和处理实践

    Determination of silicon dioxide , aluminum oxide and ferric oxide in laterite by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Impact of high silica mine on high temperature-high acid iron removal process by jarosite and the practice

  2. 工业硅矿热炉自动控制系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Autocontrol System for Submerged Arc Furnace Making the Industrial Silicon

  3. 高硅矿对高温高酸&黄钾铁矾除铁工艺的影响和处理实践

    Impact of high silica mine on high temperature-high acid iron removal process by jarosite and the practice

  4. 硅石的化学加工是硅矿开发的一条重要途径。

    It is an important path of the silicon mineral development that the chemistry processing of silica .

  5. 以SEM观察其微观形貌,发现硅锌矿晶体为纤维状,且存在小角分叉现象。

    We found that the morphology of willemite is fibrillar , and there is small angle furcation phenomenon in the glaze .

  6. 此外,还发现硅锌矿的均相成核速率和晶体生长速度均与ZnO含量成正比。

    In addition , it is also found that the homogeneous nucleation rate and the crystal growth speed are directly proportional to ZnO content .

  7. 通过烧结杯烧结过程的解剖分析及运用微型烧结法模拟解剖分析,包钢低硅烧结矿w(SiO2)<5%维持足够机械强度的关键因素是:铁酸钙含量的提高和玻璃质含量的减少。

    The paper analyses the sinter process at a sinter pot using minor-sinter way . To keep the intensity of the sinter [ w ( SiO2 ) < 5 % ] sufficiently is to increase the SFCA and decrease the glass phase .

  8. 实验研究和生产实践表明,要获得优质低硅烧结矿,应采取优化配矿、低温烧结、厚料层慢机速、喷洒CaCl2溶液等工艺措施。

    Experiment and practice show that measures should be adopted in order to require high-quality low silica sinter , such as optimizing ore-proportion , sintering at lower temperature , deep-bed and reduced velocity , spraying CaCl_2 solution , etc.

  9. 组成和温度制度对硅锌矿析晶的影响

    Influence on Crystallizing of Willemite of Compositions and Temperature Scales

  10. 改善低硅烧结矿冶金性能的研究及实践

    Study and practice of improving the metallurgical property of low silicon sinter

  11. 低硅烧结矿粒度分布的分形特征研究

    Study on Fractal Characteristics of Grain Size Distribution of Low Silica Sinter

  12. 肃北富硅硫磺矿选矿试验研究

    Milling experiment and research of sulfur ore deposit in Subei

  13. 提高高铁低硅烧结矿强度的实验研究

    Experimental study on improving the strength of high iron and low SiO_2 sinter

  14. 部分金属离子可以进入硅锌矿晶体,取代锌离子。

    Some metal ions can enter the willemite to replace the zinc ion .

  15. 高铝硅比矿的可磨性试验及矿物学研究

    The Grindability Test and Mineralogy Study on Ore with High Aluminum / Silicon

  16. 低硅烧结矿微观结构形成与控制的分形理论研究

    Fractal Theory Study on the Forming and Controlling of Microstructure of Low Silicon Sinter

  17. 提高低硅烧结矿强度的生产实践

    Operating Practice on Improving Low Silica Sinter Strength

  18. 硅锌矿的生长形态学研究

    A study on willemite morphology during growing period

  19. 低硅烧结矿的分形研究

    The fractal research on low silicon sinter

  20. 介绍了在安钢原料条件下低硅烧结矿的试验研究。

    Test study of low SiO2 sinter is introduced under raw material condition in Anyang .

  21. 低硅烧结矿的矿物组成分析

    Constitutional Analysis of Low SiO_2 Sinter

  22. 轮窑焙烧高硅钒矿提取钒的工业试验

    Industrial Experiments on Extraction of Vanadium from High Silica Vanadium bearing Ore by Brick Kiln Roasting

  23. 河北宣化附近铁矿资源丰富,半自熔、高硅赤铁矿居多。

    Xuanhua neighborhood is rich in iron ore resources with more half self-fluxed iron ore and high silicon hematite .

  24. 变配碳条件低硅烧结矿微观结构对粒度影响的分形研究

    Study of the microstructure of low silica sinter with different carbon contents on grain size constitution by the fractal method

  25. 探讨了低硅烧结矿在不同高品位巴西粉条件下粒度分布的分形特征,并用最小二乘法测定了其分形维数。

    In addition , the fractal dimension increases with raising the ratio of Brazilian ore fines and changed metallurgical properties of sinter .

  26. 为提高高炉的生产率、降低焦比,有效的途径是采用低硅烧结矿进行冶炼。

    In order to enhance the productivity of blast furnace and reduce the coke rate , the effective means is smelting with the low-silica sinter .

  27. 通过对低硅烧结矿粒度分布的定量描述,为预报及优化烧结矿的粒度组成,并为烧结矿的进一步深入研究提供了新的思路、新的途径。

    With the quantitative description of grain size distribution , a new way to predict and optimize the grain size distribution of sinter and for the further research is offered .

  28. 本文介绍近十多年来我国硅锌矿结晶釉基础研究在以下几个方面的进展:(1)硅锌矿成核机制的研究;

    The progress in the following aspects of the basic research of willemite crystalline glaze in recent years is reviewed in the paper : ( 1 ) Mechanism of nucleation in glaze melts ;

  29. 研究结果表明,通过采取强化制粒措施,高铁低硅烧结矿(烧结矿TFe588%SiO2438%)产质量得到了明显的提高。

    It is shown that properties and productivity of sinter with 58.5 % iron and 4.38 % SiO 2 content were improved by using burnt lime and corresponding measures to enhance granulation process .

  30. 高铁低硅烧结矿是强化高炉炼铁的优质炉料,但随烧结矿铁品位升高及二氧化硅含量降低,其强度变差。

    High iron and low silica sinter is a quality feed to enhance the ironmaking in blast furnace . However , the sinter strength deteriorates with an increase in iron grade and a decrease in silica content .