
guī huáng tóng
  • silicon brass;silzin
硅黄铜[guī huáng tóng]
  1. 硅黄铜铸件的渗漏缺陷分析

    Analysis on Leakage Defects of Silicon Brass Castings

  2. 为了满足耐海水腐蚀、高导热率和承压能力要求,冷却器盖均采用硅黄铜制造。

    The silicon brass was used to fabricate the covers of cooler in order to satisfy the requirements of resistant sea water corrosion , high heat conductivity and enduring water pressure .

  3. 铜产品铸造种类:紫铜(纯铜)、铝青铜、锡青铜、黄铜、特殊黄铜(硅黄铜锰黄铜)、铅黄铜(铁黄铜)及铜锌二元合金的普通黄铜。

    Copper casting type of products : copper ( copper ), aluminum bronze , tin bronze , brass , special brass ( brass silicon manganese brass ), lead brass ( Brass Rail ) and Cu-Zn binary alloy ordinary brass .

  4. 电极电势对氮化硅/黄铜滑动摩擦副摩擦磨损性能的影响研究

    The Influence of Electrode Potential on the Friction Behavior of Silicon Nitride Ball / Brass Plate Sliding Couple

  5. 通常用作额定压力阀门的阀杆材料的硅青铜比普通黄铜具有更好的抗应力腐蚀裂纹的性能。

    Commonly used as stem material in pressure-rated valves , silicon bronze has greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking than common brasses .

  6. 本文提出以硅钼蓝分光光度法测定硅黄铜中(含硅:1.00%~4.50%)硅的含量;

    This paper discusses the measuring method for the silicon contents ( 1 . 00 % - 4 . 50 % ) in copper alloy .