
guī qīng tóng
  • silicon bronze
硅青铜[guī qīng tóng]
  1. 硅青铜不但具有铜的可锻性,而且还具有很高的强度。

    Silicon bronze has the ductility of copper but much more strength .

  2. 通常用作额定压力阀门的阀杆材料的硅青铜比普通黄铜具有更好的抗应力腐蚀裂纹的性能。

    Commonly used as stem material in pressure-rated valves , silicon bronze has greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking than common brasses .

  3. 铝铁硅青铜的组织和硅的作用

    The Structure of Al - Fe - Si Bronze and the Function of Si Element

  4. 本厂专业生成各种牌号铝铸件及各种牌号青铜,黄铜,硅青铜,镍白铜及阀门等铸件及机械加工。

    Our factory specialized in generating various grades of aluminum castings , bronze , brass , silicon bronze , nickel cupronickel and valve castings and machining .

  5. 结果表明一方面铜基体与硅青铜焊丝进行熔焊;

    The results showed that the melting welding occurred between Cu and the silicon bronze wire , while the soldering occurred between steel and the silicon bronze wire ;

  6. 利用扫描电镜研究了用硅青铜焊丝采用氩弧钎焊的方法焊接的铜与钢异种材料焊缝熔合区的形貌,并对其进行了元素面分布的分析。

    The morphology of melted joint section of dissimilar material of Cu and steel soldered with silicon bronze wire by argon arc was studied by SEM , and the distribution of elements in the section was scanned .

  7. 含%硅的青铜,抗腐蚀。

    A bronze with 2-3 % silicon that is resistant to corrosion .