
  1. 图灵想把毛衣和套衫寄给母亲,她会帮他清洗这些容易缩水的衣服,但他却没找到邮局,只好作罢。当天傍晚,他带着干洗包裹,登上了伊丽莎白皇后号。

    After trying and failing to find a post office so that he could mail his sweater and pullover to his mother , who took in his non-shrink washing , he boarded the Queen Elizabeth that evening .

  2. 1952年,卓别林在纽约登上伊丽莎白皇后号时,收到消息称,他的入境许可已被吊销,如果还想回国,就必须接受关于其政治观点和道德行为的采访。

    Boarding the RMS Queen Elizabeth in New York in 1952 , he received word that his re-entry permit had been revoked and he would have to be interviewed about his political views and moral behaviour if he wanted to return .