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  1. 试验表明:以煤代炭冶炼化学级金属硅法是完全可行的,它为减少国家森林资源消耗、为企业节能降耗提高利润提供了技术保障。

    It is proved that the new method is feasible , which is the technical guarantee to decrease the expenditure of national forest resource and to increase the profit of related enterprises .

  2. 在电硅热法的基础上改进而成的“JL”法具有投资少、周期短、见效快的特点。

    " JL " process possesses advantages of low investment , short period and producing effect quickly .

  3. 方法分别采用硅珠法、QIAMicrokit法、硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面的汗潜指印中DNA,STR复合扩增,荧光电泳检测。

    Methods DNA was extracted from sweat latent fingerprint on the adhesive side of tapes using silicon bead test , QIA micro Kit and combined silicon bead - QIA micro Kit . STR loci were detected by multiplex PCR procedures .

  4. 我国硅热法炼镁发展中值得重视的几个问题

    Several Issues of Silicothermic Process for Magnesium Reduction Development in China

  5. 中子能量由硅探测器法测定。

    The neutron energy was determined by using a silicon detector .

  6. 真空硅热法炼锶的热力学分析与实验

    Thermodynamic analysis and experiment of production of Sr by vacuum silicothermic reduction

  7. 硅热法炼镁工艺经过60余年的发展,基本形成了成熟的理论。

    Over 60 years development , Silicon-thermal Method had formed mature theory .

  8. 硅热法冶炼金属钙的热力学及工艺

    Thermodynamics of Smelting Metallic Calcium by Silicon-thermal Method and Its Smelting Technology

  9. 半连续硅热法炼镁配料计算

    Burden Calculation of Semicontinuous Silicothermic Process for Magnesium Production

  10. 碳硅热法冶炼硅钙合金新工艺

    New technology of carbon-silicothermic process for smelting silicon-calcium alloys

  11. 硅热法炼镁工厂的真空工程

    Vacuum Project of Si Hot Method Smelting Magnesium Plant

  12. 硅热法炼镁的节能和清洁能源解决方案

    A Clean and Energy-saving Production Strategy for Silicon-thermal Reductive Method in Magnesium Metallurgy Industry

  13. 硅热法炼镁还原罐子系统能耗的研究

    Study on Energy Consumption in Reduced Jar System for Mg Production with Silicon Thermal Process

  14. 硅热法炼镁的各项技术经济指标与金属镁回收率的关系

    Relation between techno-economic data of magnesium production with silicothermic method and recovery rate of metal magnesium

  15. 我国硅热法炼镁现状及发展趋势

    The status quo and developmental tendency of smelting magnesium by means of heating silicon in china

  16. 硅热法镁厂炼钙技改关键部位&真空系统的研究

    Study on the Key Technical Transformation Part-vacuum System for Calcium Metallurgy in Magnesium Plant with Ferrosilicon Process

  17. 双色硅橡胶法检测临床常见三种全瓷系统边缘适合性的体外研究

    The Study of Marginal Adaptation of Three Commonly Used All-Ceramic Crown Systems Using Bicolor-Methyl Silicone Rubber in Vitro

  18. 利用热力学方法对硅热法炼镁还原罐子系统的还原反应过程进行了严谨的能量计算,并从选择还原炉内涂料和燃烧的最佳条件等方面进行讨论,提出了该过程的节能措施。

    The energy consumption in reduced jar system for Mg production with thermal process was calculated using thermodynamics methods .

  19. 研究表明:硅热法炼镁还原炉的热利用率和生产率都非常低。

    It is known that both the thermal efficiency and the productivity are unbelievably low in the reducing furnace .

  20. 对我国硅热法炼镁还原炉的用能状况进行了计算分析。

    An analysis and a calculation have been made on the thermal process of magnesium reducing furnace using Si-based reducing .

  21. 硅热法冶炼低、微碳铬铁过程硅氧化损耗机理及对经济效益影响浅析

    The mechanism of silicon oxidation losses in SMELTING LOW CARBON FeCr with silicothermic process and analyses of effects to economic benefits

  22. 研究了微构造硅的法向光谱发射率。实验表明微构造硅的发射率极高,接近标准黑体的发射率。

    Experimental results show that the micro-structured silicon has a high normal spectral emissivity , close to the standard black body .

  23. 本文给出了半连续硅热法炼镁的配料计算公式,并结合实际进行了具体计算,计算结果与实际相符;

    Formulae are derived and given to the burden calculation of semicontinuous silicothermic process for magnesium production , with instances from actual production included .

  24. 分析了电硅热法和热兑法冶炼低、微碳铬铁过程硅的氧化损耗机理及对技术经济指标的影响。

    The paper analyses the mechanism of silicon oxidation losses in smelting low carbon FeCr with electro-silicothermic process and the effect to technical and economic benefit .

  25. 炼镁还原罐内传热与化学反应的耦合特性节能、降耗、减排是硅热法炼镁发展的生命力

    Coupled heat transfer and chemical reactions in magnesium production retorts Energy-saving , consumption reducing and discharge abatement are the vitality of silicothermic reduction in magnesium metallurgy

  26. 作者从镁砖的固有特性出发,分析了电硅热法微碳铬铁炉衬的侵蚀机理。

    In view of inherent feature of magnesian brick , the author analyzed the lining erosion mechanism in low-carbon ferrochrome furnace using electric - silicothermic process .

  27. 该法与传统的电硅热法工艺相比,具有产品质量好、消耗低、产量高等优点,每吨产品可降低成本约1400元,有较好的经济效益。

    This method has good product quality . low expend and high output . Each ton product can reduce costs 1400 Yuan , the economic benefit'is better .

  28. 本文介绍了电硅热法微碳铬铁冶炼中炉底铺矿的工艺操作及其对产品的降碳效果;

    This paper introduces the process operation of low-carbon ferrochrome smelting by electric-silicothermic process with a chrome-ore bedding and its effect to lower carbon content of the product .

  29. 本论文采用液体法、固体法和硅橡胶法三种不同的方法制备有机硅泡沫材料,分析了三种制备方法的反应机理。

    There are three ways , which include liquid , solid and rubber , to make silicone foam , analyzing the reaction principles in preparation of silicone foam .

  30. 针对硅热法炼镁能耗高和燃煤污染的最新研究结果,提出了一套经实践检验、便于推广的产业化方案。

    A feasible clean and efficient solution for improving traditional techniques in magnesium metallurgy is introduced , such as high energy consumption and serious pollution from coal 's firing .