
  • 网络China Medical Stone
  1. 中华麦饭石阻止二甲基奶油黄诱发大鼠肝癌研究

    Study on inhibition of DAB induced hepatocarcinoma in rats by China medical stone

  2. 中华麦饭石防治大鼠肝炎、肝硬化和肝癌时微量元素作用

    The effect of microelement on DAB-induced hepatitis and cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma prevented by China medical stone in rats

  3. 方法给Wistar大鼠食用含二甲基奶油黄饲料26周诱发肝癌,同时饮用10%中华麦饭石浸液防癌。

    Methods : 139 male Wistar rats were fed with DAB food and 10 % CMS drinking water for 26 weeks .

  4. 给Wistar大鼠喂养DAB饲料诱发肝癌,同时饮用10%中华麦饭石浸液共26wk。

    Wistar tats were fed with DAB food for 26 weeks to induce hepatocarcinoma and drank 10 % chinese medical stone soak at the same time .

  5. 结果显示,中华麦饭石不仅能升高大鼠大肠癌发生前期和早期的γ-干扰素滴度和脾NK细胞活性(P<0.001),而且能升高大肠癌晚期大鼠的γ-干扰素滴度和脾NK细胞活性。

    The results revealed CMS could elevate serum gamma interferon titers and enhance splenic NK cell activity not only in the prophase and early stage of carcinogenesis ( P < 0.001 ), but also in late stage of colorectal carcinoma . ( P < 0.001 ) .

  6. 中华麦饭石对肝癌大鼠免疫功能的作用

    The effects of Chinese medical stone on immunologic function in rats with hepatocarcinoma

  7. 中华麦饭石预防大鼠实验性肝癌时微量元素的作用

    The effect of trace elements on experimental hepatocarcinoma by Chinese medical stone in rats

  8. 三溴偶氮氯膦树脂相光度法测定中华麦饭石中总稀土

    TB & CPA Resin Phase Spectrophotometric Determination of Rare Earth in Wheat Meal Stone of China

  9. 结果表明中华麦饭石通过增强免疫功能和保持微量元素衡定对二甲基奶油黄诱发的大鼠肝炎、肝硬变和肝癌有显著的防治作用。

    These results indicated that CMS could inhibit the development of DAB-induced hepatitis , cirrhosis and hepatoma , maybe by enhancing immune function and by modulating the trace element levels .

  10. 研究了中华麦饭石浸液对香烟烟雾水溶物引起的蚕豆根尖细胞微核率的影响。

    The influence of Chinese medical stone on the micronucleus frequency in root - tip cells of Vicia faba caused by the water - soluble substances contained in cigarette smoke was studied .

  11. 本文通过对云南鹤庆麦饭石进行成份测定和毒理实验研究,并与中华麦饭石进行比较研究,为云南麦饭石的开发利用指出了广阔的前景。

    In this paper , study of component and toxicology of Heqing medical stone is reported and compared with chinese medical stone The study offers a good prospect of the utilization and development of Heqing medical stone .

  12. 结果表明,中华麦饭石浸液能显著降低由香烟烟雾水溶物引起的微核率,可能具有减轻由吸烟引起遗传损伤的作用。

    The results show that the soak of Chinese medical stone can decrease the micronucleus frequency in root - tip cells of Vicia faba and it also can relieve the harm to the hereditary caused by the cigarette smoking .

  13. 用二甲基奶油黄诱发wistag大鼠的中毒性肝炎、肝硬变和肝癌模型,同时给予10%中华麦饭石浸液饮用26周。

    To find out the effects of Chinese Medical Stone ( CMS ) on DAB-induced toxic hepatitis , cirrhosis and hepatoma , we put 153 male wistar rats into experiment . Rats were fed with DAB-contained food and they drank 10 % Chinese Medical Stone soak for 26 weeks .