
diǎn jiē chù
  • point contact;whisker contact
点接触[diǎn jiē chù]
  1. STM中量子点接触的电导计算

    Calculation of conductance of quantum point contact in STM

  2. 应用ReeEyring流体,求得了零卷吸工况点接触热弹流润滑的完全数值解,分析了凹陷深度随表面速度的变化规律。

    With the Ree-Eyring fluid , a complete numerical solution of the thermal zero-entrainment point contact EHL ( elastohydrodynamic lubrication ) was obtained .

  3. 最低抑菌浓度(MIC)测定用琼脂稀释多点接触法。

    Minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) was determined by agar dilution method using multipoint inoculator .

  4. 关于Hertz点接触理论适用范围的探讨

    Discussion on Application Limit to Hertz 's Contact Theory

  5. 如先进航空发动机主轴采用的三点接触球轴承,其dn值和工作温度非常高,经常造成摩擦副发生热失效。

    Take the example of three point contact ball bearing applied on the spindle of advanced aircraft engine , its dn value and work temperature are very high , often causing the contact thermal failures .

  6. 通过实例分析求解,指出Hertz点接触理论的适用范围是沟曲率半径系数f≥0.54(或者密合度≤0.92599)。

    By solving of a series of examples , it is pointed out that Hertz 's theory solution is valid when groove curvature radius coefficient f ≥ 0.54 ( or osculation ≤ 0.925 99 ) for ball bearings .

  7. ZF公司齿轮齿条式转向器通过使刀具齿轮的齿数大于参与啮合的斜齿圆柱齿轮的齿数,实现了点接触传动。

    Z F Rack - Pinion Steering The localization of the bearing contact was achieved by setting more tooth number of the shaper than the helical involute pinion .

  8. 珩齿加工过程中,普通电镀CBN珩磨轮的齿面与被加工齿轮齿面是点接触啮合,因而加工效率低且造成CBN磨粒的浪费。

    The general electroplating CBN honer surface is point contact engagement with the gear surface in the process of cutting , thus the cutting efficiency is low and the CBN abrasive is wasted .

  9. 在线接触条件下,MoS2在不同温度下的摩擦系数变化趋势与点接触条件下的相似;

    MoS_2 exhibited similar tendency of variation of friction coefficient with different temperature in comparison with experiment done at line contact condition .

  10. 背面点接触结构提高了硅太阳电池的转换效率,开启电压VOC和断路电流密度JSC均有很大的提高和增加。

    Abstract The Silicon solar cell efficiency that is including open cricuit voltage V OC and short cricuit current J SC was increased by rear contact structure .

  11. 主要针对两个方面:一是利用量子点接触(QPC)通道的反作用,可以驱动量子点中的电子隧穿出量子点或者从基态跃迁至激发态。

    The back-action of quantum point contact can drive electron tunneling out of quantum dot or tunneling from ground state to excited state .

  12. 为了设计以半导体异质结构量子点接触(QPC)为基础的器件,需要掌握QPC结构中静电势的分布及其控制方法。

    In order to design the quantum point contact ( QPC ) devices based on the semiconductor heterostructure , electrostatic potential distribution and control methods of the QPC are needed to be considered .

  13. 研究了用介观量子点接触(QPC)对单电子两态和多态系统的量子测量问题。

    Closely related to the quantum information processing in solid states , we study the quantum measurement of single electron state by a mesoscopic charge-sensitive detector , namely the quantum point contact ( QPC ) .

  14. 结果表明:在点接触条件下,MoS2在200~400℃范围内表现出非常低的摩擦系数(约0.06),但在100℃和500℃时,其摩擦系数与菜籽油相当;

    Results show that MoS_2 exhibited very low friction coefficient ( 0.06 ) between 200 ~ 400 ℃ at point contact condition , but it exhibited similar friction coefficient as colza oil did at 100 ℃ and 500 ℃ .

  15. 烟草切丝机磨刀装置多采用KTC型切丝机方式,该方式砂轮外圆与刀刃形成点接触,磨出的刀刃不整齐,影响切丝质量。

    The grinding device in most tobacco cutters resembled that in cutter KTC , where in the periphery of grinding wheel was in point contact with the knife resulting in an imperfect ground edge , the quality of tobacco cutting was influenced .

  16. 量子点接触对单电子量子态的量子测量

    Quantum measurement of single electron state by a quantum point contact

  17. 点接触表面层内应力场计算新方法

    A New Technique to Evaluate Subsurface Stress Field of Point Contacts

  18. 原子尺寸点接触中的电子输运性质

    Transport Properties of Electrons in an Atom - sized Point Contact

  19. 双点接触圆轨道在起重机上的应用

    The application of round rail with twin points contact on cranes

  20. 关于点接触齿面对安装误差敏感性的研究

    The Sensitivity of Point - contact Tooth Surfaces to Mounting Errors

  21. 基于椭圆路径的回转二次曲面点接触加工方法研究

    Spot-Contact Machining of Conic Surfaces of Revolution Based on Elliptical Path

  22. 点接触蜗杆传动的齿面接触分析方法

    The Tooth Contact Analysis of Worm Gear Drive with Point Contact

  23. 修形后双圆弧圆柱蜗杆传动的点接触弹流计算

    Point Contact EHL calculation of modified worm drive with double-circular-arc profile

  24. 大型四点接触球轴承的有限元模型研究

    A Study on Finite Element Model of Bearing With Large Radius

  25. 四点接触球轴承椭圆沟道截形的几何设计

    Geometrical design for elliptical cross section raceway of four-point-contact ball bearing

  26. 弹流润滑点接触问题数值解研究

    An Investigation of Elasto hydrodynamic Lubrication Numerical Solution for Point Contact

  27. 量子点接触测量对量子点系统退相干的影响

    Spin-Dephasing on Quantum Dot System with a Nearby Quantum Point Contact

  28. 电导的量子化及其成因;温度对量子点接触电导量子化的影响

    The Effect of the Quantization Conductance in Quantum Point Contact at Temperature

  29. 点接触内啮合直齿锥齿轮全成形加工原理

    Principle of complete form machining of point contact internal straight-tooth bevel gear

  30. 点接触加载条件下金刚石薄膜的破坏行为

    Failure of Diamond Thin Films Materials Under Conditions of Point Contact Loading