
  1. 来点白面包就和吃糖一样没有好处?

    Is some white bread as bad as a candy bar ?

  2. 我想在豆腐里加一点白胡椒。

    I 'd like to add some white pepper to the bean curd .

  3. 我们想点白巧克力慕斯蛋糕及二副叉子。

    We 'll have the White Chocolate Mousse Cake with two forks please .

  4. ::泰勒,你脸色有点白。

    Taylor , you 're looking a little pale .

  5. 可是,不要因此就得出结论来说,“老外”很抠门,给点白开水都要钱。

    But , do not come to the conclusion that westerns are very mean .

  6. 带点白葡萄酒来好啦。

    Some white wine would be fine .

  7. 我说,“好吧,给我来点白葡萄酒。”

    so I said , " Sure , I 'll take some white wine . "

  8. 两点三点白鸥划破了渐变为赭色的天空。

    The sky , deepening to ochre , is broken by two or three seagulls .

  9. 除去白葡萄酒里的酒精带点白葡萄酒来好啦。

    Dealcoholized the white wine .

  10. 可以闻到蓝莓,蜜桔和李子并带有一点白胡椒的味道。

    On the nose it has juicy blueberry , Satsuma plum and some underlying white pepper nuances .

  11. 每天晚上临睡前我会听点白噪音,翻几页会让我昏昏欲睡的无聊书籍。

    I listen to white noise on my ipod every night , and I read something so boring it puts me to sleep .

  12. 等面包师用面团给它揉过之后,狼又跑到磨坊主那里,对他说:在我的脚上洒点白面粉。

    And when the baker had rubbed his feet over , he ran to the miller and said , Strew some white meal over my feet for me .

  13. 本文介绍了瑞典一个脱墨浆车间不同取样点白水的特性,及其用于浮选和漂白试验时对漂白效果的影响。

    The paper introduces the properties of off-machine water at different sample points in a Swedish deinking plant and its influence on the bleaching effect when such water is used in a floatation and bleaching test .

  14. 可锻铸铁灰点和白脆缺陷分析新方法

    A New Method to Analyze Gray Spot and Shatter Crack Defects of Malleable Iron

  15. 因此,以信号分子为靶点抑制白细胞过度募集对炎症的治疗有重要的作用。

    Therefore , signaling molecules , as targets , which inhibited the excessive leukocyte recruitment played an important role in the treatment of inflammatory .

  16. 蓝鲸还有一点跟白皮肤人类的情况一样,它们好象可以对阳光作出反应,产生较多的色素细胞,帮助修复受到阳光损伤的皮肤,并且保护皮肤免于紫外线的伤害。

    Also like fair-skinned humans , the blue whales seemed to respond to the sun 's rays by producing more pigmented cells , which help repair sun-damaged skin and protect it from UVR .

  17. 以重复测量数据的方差分析对各组及各时间点的白细胞计数进行差异性分析,其余数据采用单因素方差分析。

    The white blood cell count of each group and the time groups were underwent analysis of difference by factorial design analysis of variance , the rest of the data using single-factor analysis of variance .

  18. 例如,你可能点更多的白米饭和炒饭:Canwehavesomemorerice,please?

    For example , you might order more boiled or fried rice : Can we have some more rice , please ?

  19. 由于我们带了水果,所以点了甜白葡萄酒。

    With the fruit , we ordered a sweet white wine .

  20. 他自豪地说出了名字,多少有点以业主白屠的神气。

    He spoke the name proudly and with a slight proprietary air .

  21. 喝点什么,白葡萄酒

    Can I get you something ? White wine .

  22. 当地必点咖啡:白咖啡或卡布奇诺。

    Local order : Flat white or cappuccino .

  23. 把落难队员和他的背包从裂缝口拉上来可能有点笨拙,白队先锋可能得要伸手(拉人)。

    Getting the victim and his pack over the final lip can be awkward , and the white leader may need to lend a hand .

  24. 看到这个情景时我们确实发现物体比平时更亮一点也更白一点。

    When we saw it , we did note that it was a little brighter and a little bit whiter in color than it normally is .

  25. 你要喝点东西吗?白开水就好。

    Would you like something to drink ?( Just water will be fine . )

  26. 他揭开盖子,看到一种浅绿色的液体,有点象陈年的白葡萄酒,但却一点都不认得那是什么东西。

    He raised the cover and saw a kind of greenish paste , something like preserved angelica , but which was perfectly unknown to him .

  27. 这一点可以更直白地描述为:这些高股本收益率意味着,针对微薄的股本基数,各家银行冒了很大的风险。

    The point can be put more tellingly : these high returns on equity suggest that banks are taking substantial risks on a slender equity base .

  28. 提出了一种基于灰度颜色点提取的自动白平衡方法,具有良好的收敛性。

    A new automatic white balance method is proposed using extracting gray color points in images , which has the advantage of robust convergence . 5 .

  29. 日前,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马坦称自己上任一年来体重降了点,头发也白了些,但他称,尽管工作压力很大,但他仍然很健康。

    Barack Obama has conceded that he has lost a bit of weight and got somewhat greyer during his first year as US president , but said he remains healthy despite the relentless demands of his job .

  30. 如果早上吃太多会觉得不舒服,那就吃点水果,一些白软干酪,一片涂了花生黄油的烤土司,或一小碗浆果燕麦。

    If the thought of a big morning meal makes you queasy , have a little fruit and cottage cheese , a piece of toast with a light coating of peanut butter , or a small bowl of oatmeal and berries .