
  1. 在财政收入政策方面,西汉初期,中央政府制定了一系列法规措施,建立并完善了赋税征收体系。

    On financial revenue policy , the central government took measures to establish and improve tax collection system .

  2. 贾谊是西汉初期的思想家,他的思想是以儒家思想为主,兼有法家、道家思想。

    Jia yi is the western Han dynasty initial thinker , his thought contains Confucianism , legalism and Taoist thought .

  3. 西汉初期,狩猎逐渐成为皇族和贵族间的娱乐活动。

    In the early Western Han Dynasty , hunting gradually became a kind of recreation for the emperors and the nobility .

  4. 在战国晚期到西汉初期,这里的漆器风格主要延续了楚国漆器的特色。

    From the late Warring States period to the early Western Han Dynasty , the lacquer lacquer features mainly continued Chu style .

  5. 西汉初期,统治者为了巩固新生的政权,实行了著名的黄老政治。

    In order to consolidate the newborn power , the ruler carried out some noted Huanglao politics during the infancy of Western Han Dynasty .

  6. 西汉初期,刘邦在建立了皇帝制度后便建立了皇太子继承制。

    The early Western Han Dynasty , Liu Bang set up at the emperor system after system set up to inherit the crown prince .

  7. 从中我们能够较为清晰地了解西汉初期以来以贾谊为代表的政治伦理思想儒家化的发展过程。

    From we can understand more clearly to the early Western Han Jia Yi represented by the political thinking of the Confucian ethics of the process of development .

  8. 西汉初期,政权初立,殷鉴未远,如何汲取秦的教训,为新兴王朝提供借鉴,成为现实关注的问题。

    In Western Han Dynasty initial period , the regime was just made , how to draw the lesson from Qin dynasty and provide reference for new dynasty become a reality concern .

  9. 作为葬玉使用制度发展到顶峰标志的玉衣出现在西汉初期,但它是在前代葬玉使用制度的基础上发展起来的。

    As the signs of the funerary jade using system development on the summit , Yu Yi appeared in the early Western Han Dynasty , but it is comes from the pr-generational use of system funerary jade .

  10. 汉代儒学发展在整个中国儒学思想史上占有举足轻重的位置,特别是西汉初期儒学的演变更有着较特殊的意义。

    The development of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty has occupied a pivotal position in the Confucianism history of the whole China , in particular , the early Western Han dynasty , the evolution of Confucianism has a more special significance .

  11. 通遇比较分析,西汉初期文字与秦文字几乎没有区别,无论小篆还是隶书皆承秦文字,直到西汉中期以后,才出现新的燮化。

    Through comparative analysis , the Western Han Dynasty characters and Qin characters almost have no distinction . Not only Seal Script , but also Li Script inherits from Qin characters . Until the mid Western Han Dynasty , they have new change .

  12. 马王堆汉墓位于湖南省长沙市东郊,是西汉初期长沙国丞相、软侯利苍及其家人的坟墓。

    The Han tombs at Mawangdui is located at the eastern suburb of Changsha , the capital of Hunan Province . The owners of the tombs are the Chancellor of Changsha Kingdom in the early Western Han Dynasty , the Marquis of Dai , Li Cang and his family .

  13. 《淮南子》是西汉社会由初期向中期转型时各种思潮激荡下的产物,理论的转变是围绕着当时面临的政治和思想的现实课题而进行理论探索的结果。

    The formation of Huai-nan Zi was a result agitated by philosophers ' thoughts from the society of early Western Han Dynasty to the middle . The core change of its theory was embodied on the theme which revolved around realistic task about politics and Zeitgeist of the day .