
  1. 鞍山市西郊区水位预测

    Water Level Forecast in West Suburban of Anshan City

  2. 北京市西郊区地表水地下水联合调蓄模型研究

    Model Research of United Dispatching of Surface Water and Groundwater in Western Urban and Outskirts of Beijing

  3. 击剑冠军来自泽西郊区,是美国第一位戴头巾的参赛选手。

    And a fencing champion from suburban Jersey who 'll become the first American Olympian to wear a hijab while competing .

  4. 忠实于利比亚将军的力量同伊斯兰武装分子在东部城市班加西郊区展开了斗争,并造成伤亡。

    The death came as forces loyal to a rogue Libyan general battled Islamist militants on the outskirt of the eastern city of Banghazi .

  5. 他最后来到新泽西郊区,和在游轮上遇见的一位印尼男子住了一阵子。

    He ended up in suburban New Jersey , of all places , living for a while with an Indonesian man he 'd met on the ship .

  6. 苏州西郊覆盖区物探找矿回顾

    A review of physical prospecting in overburden areas in west Suzhou

  7. 本文是对北京西郊石景山区法海寺大雄宝殿壁画及其相关的几个问题所作的个案研究。

    In this thesis , I make a case study about the mural from the Main Hall of Fahai Temple in Shijingshan District of the west of Beijing .

  8. 北京大学位于北京西郊海淀区的东北部占地2661581平方米。北京大学校园又称燕园,与圆明园、颐和园相毗邻。

    Peking University is situated at the northeast of the Haidian District at the western suburbs of Beijing with an area of 2661581 m2.the campus is known as " YanYuan the gardens of Yan . It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace .

  9. 包头市西郊工业污染区盐渍土水盐动态研究

    Water and Salt Movement in Polluted Soil in the Suburb of Baotou City

  10. 目的为评价沈阳西郊污水灌溉区农田土壤镉污染状况,为镉污染土壤的合理利用提供依据。

    The aim of this study is to assess heavy metal contamination status in farmland soils irrigated with wastewater in western Shenyang suburb , and provide information for reasonable soil use .

  11. 以包头市西郊工业污染区盐渍化弃耕地为对象,研究了不同植被对土壤水盐动态和体积质量的影响。

    The effects of different vegetation growing on the derelict saline land in industrial pollution area on water and soil dynam - ics and volume weight of soil were studied in the west suburb of Baotou , Inner Mongolia , China .

  12. 大东山特别地区〔位于北大屿郊野公园及南大屿郊野公园内〕北京大学校园地处北京西郊海淀园林区,北依圆明园遗址,西临颐和园。

    Sunset Peak Special Area [ within the Lantau North and Lantau South Country Parks ] Peking University has a beautiful campus , which is located at Hai Dian , an area in the western suburbs of Beijing renowned in the old days for its gardens and parks .

  13. 北京西郊皇家园林保护区文化与生态资源保护

    The Protection of Cultural and Ecological Resources of the Western Imperial Garden Protection Zone in the Suburbs of Beijing