
  1. 以1150万美元排名第三的是深受众人喜爱的克莉茜·泰根和萝西杭亭顿。

    Tying for third place on $ 11.5 million was the much-loved Chrissy Teigen and Rosie Huntington-Whitely .

  2. 本文依据历史文献、地形地貌及亲见亲闻,对西平亭的位置、规模等作了详细的讨论。

    This article discusses the place , scope and terrain and landforms of Xiping Pavilion according to historical documents .

  3. 后宰门教堂西临曲水亭街,教堂在曲水垂柳的掩映下,显得分外幽静。

    West facing Qushuiting Street , the Houzaimen Christ Church surrounded by willows looks as if so peaceful .