
  • 网络Shijingshan;CRD
  1. 首钢园位于北京市石景山区,曾经是一处空置的工业园区,如今是北京市的一个城市新地标。

    Apart from the traditional venue , once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district , Beijing .

  2. 基于GIS的石景山区管委管理与服务专题应用子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Shi Jingshan District ' Administration and Service Theme Applied Subsystem Base on GIS

  3. PCBs的年沉降通量远大于其他地区,说明了北京石景山地区PCBs的污染较严重。

    Annual fluxes of PCBs was much higher than other districts , which indicated that the pollution of PCBs in Shijingshan District was serious .

  4. 分析了北京市石景山区秋季PM(10)质量浓度的变化特征,发现气候变化对PM(10)质量浓度有很大影响。

    This paper analyses the change of PM_ ( 10 ) mass concentration at Shijingshan District in autumn , and finds that climate change affects PM_ ( 10 ) mass concentration greatly .

  5. 北京石景山的万达影院是亚洲首家IMAX巨幕影院,也是《阿凡达》观影者的首选。

    In Beijing , the Wanda Movie Theater in Shijingshan , the first IMAX theater in Asia , is the theater of choice for Avatar moviegoers .

  6. 方法对石景山区2所民工子弟学校三~六年级学生进行0.5a的健康干预,对干预前后2次问卷调查结果进行健康知识知晓率、健康行为形成率的效果评估。

    Methods A half-a-year health intervention was conducted among students in grade 2-6 in school of peasant workers ' children in Shijingshan District in Beijing . Impact evaluation was carried out based on the results of questionnaire surveys before and after the intervention .

  7. 北京石景山区降水中有机卤素污染物研究

    Study on Organohalogens Contaminations in Precipitation in Shijingshan District , Beijing

  8. 北京石景山斜拉桥转体法施工技术

    Construction Technique of Turn Method of Shijingshan Cable-stayed Bridge in Beijing

  9. 北京石景山区大气污染扩散对市区影响的半定量分析

    Semi-quantitative Analysis of Air Pollution Impact from Shijingshan Industrial District in Beijing

  10. 北京石景山区大气中多氯联苯的研究

    Study on Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Atmosphere in Beijing Shijingshan District

  11. 永定河流域石景山段湿地景观规划设计研究

    Wetland Landscape Planning in the Shijingshan Section of Yongding River

  12. 祝您在北京石景山游乐园度过开心的一天!

    Enjoy your day in Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park .

  13. 2007~2008年北京市石景山区流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征

    Epidemiological features of mumps in Shijingshan District of Beijing during 2007 to 2008

  14. 北京市石景山区高血压合作管理的效果评价

    The evaluation of results from cooperative management for hypertension

  15. 用改进的灰色识别法评价大气环境质量&以北京市石景山区为例

    Application of Improved Grey Identification to Air Quality Assessment

  16. 不停机带压带温堵漏新技术在石景山电厂的应用

    The Application of a New Leakage Blocking Technology during Operation in Shijingshan Power Station

  17. 为举办第29届奥运会,将在石景山及附近建设什么体育馆?

    What stadiums for29th Olympic Games will be built in and near Shi jingshan ?

  18. 北京石景山地区大气中有机污染物特征与成因

    The Characteristics and Origin of the Organic Pollutants in the Air of Beijing Shijingshan District

  19. 石景山区农村经济发展方向的多目标灰色局势决策

    Multiobjective grey situation decision on direction of economic development in the suburbs of Shijingshan District

  20. 欢迎您来到北京石景山游乐园!

    Welcome to Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park !

  21. 地方政府公共服务供给模式创新&北京市石景山区的实证研究

    Innovation on the Provision of Public Services : Take Shijingshan District of Beijing for Example

  22. 北京市石景山区中学生健康危险行为及相关因素

    Health-related risk behaviors and relevant factors among high school students in Shijingshan District of Beijing

  23. 北京石景山地区孕妇及婴幼儿血铅动态研究

    Dynamic Study on Blood Lead Levels of Pregnant Women and Infants in a District of Beijing

  24. 2008年北京市石景山区艾滋病自愿咨询检测状况

    Current status of voluntary counseling and testing for HIV infection in Shijingshan district , Beijing , 2008

  25. 目的探索北京市石景山区外来人口结核病控制的经验。

    Objective To explore the methods of controlling tuberculosis in floating population in Shijingshan District of Beijing .

  26. 北京石景山游乐园是集主题游乐、景观及主题文化活动于一体的大型文化娱乐场所。

    Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park is an attraction complex with scenic setup , amusement rides and theme events .

  27. 北京石景山工业区附近一个污染土壤剖面的磁学研究

    A magnetic study of a polluted soil profile at the Shijingshan industrial area , Western Beijing , China

  28. 石景山区基层防病机构及流动儿童计划免疫现状调查分析

    Present status of primary diseases prevention agencies and program immunization among immigrant children in Shijingshan District of Beijing

  29. 本文介绍了北京石景山地区广宁公路与丰沙铁路立交桥路基加固试验。

    This paper introduces the experiments on thc strengthening of railway bed by chemical grouting at Shijingshan Guangning Highway .

  30. 让石景山人眉飞色舞的也一定是楼群间的花园和一处处繁花似锦的文化广场。

    Shijingshan were also expected to be created between the garden and a cultural plaza everywhere it should continue .