
  • 网络stone table;dolmen
  1. 这可不是石桌。

    No , this is not a stone table .

  2. 他起身打量洞内的东西,发现石桌上堆着一些植物块茎。

    Looking up and down his eyes fell on some plant roots on a stone table .

  3. 还有刻在石桌或木桌上的法典

    And even receive laws On stone or wooden tablets .

  4. 他把那张信笺放在石桌上,然后开始喝酸奶。

    Putting the letter on the table , he began to sip his yogurt .

  5. 山顶有寺院遗迹,今尚存石桌一张,刻字为明代。

    Peak is the temple ruins of this surviving a Fruit , Lettering for the Ming Dynasty .

  6. 山顶上修有石桌,石凳,平台,凉亭,放眼南海,使人心旷神怡。

    Xiu has Shizhuo the top of the hill , Dan Deng , platforms , shelters , Looking South China Sea , the people delightful .

  7. 户外家具的历史可以追溯到原始社会,当时就地取材的简易石桌、石凳就是最早的户外家具。

    Outdoor furniture dates back to primitive society , then make the best of the simple stone table , stone stool is the earliest outdoor furniture .