
  1. 紧水滩电站计算机监控系统采用标准的H9000系统,梯调和石塘站调采用SSJ3000型计算机监控系统。

    The computer monitoring and control system for Jinshuitan Hydropower Station is standard H9000 system but that for cascade regulation and Shitang Hydropower Station is SSJ3000 system .

  2. 石塘咀的名字由何而来?

    Where did the name of Shek Tong Tsui originate ?

  3. 钱塘江海塘为钱塘江河口防洪、防潮江堤的习称,从土塘到石塘到现代标准海塘,历经两次大的飞跃。

    The seawall is utilized for preventing flood and tide at the Qiantang Estuary .

  4. 石塘石屋和渔火的诱惑

    Enticing of stone house and fishing fire

  5. 石塘隧道身深埋破碎段围岩应力集中区域主要发生在隧道左右拱脚处,这也是主要的围岩塑性区。

    Second , surrounding rock stress concentration occurs mainly in the region around tunnel arch , this is also the main surrounding rock mass plastic zone .

  6. 2004年第14号台风云娜在浙江省温岭市石塘镇登陆,针对登陆后的两大预报难点&路径突然西折和陆上长久维持,进行了研究分析。

    Typhoon 0414 " Rananim " landed at Wenling City of Zhejiang Province on August 12, 2004.The two key problems-westwards turning track abruptly and sustaining over land long were analyzed .