
yín bái sè
  • silvery white
  1. 银白色鳞屑、薄膜现象和点状出血现象是银屑病的特征。

    Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles , the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage .

  2. 是一种柔软、银白色的金属,自然界不存在游离状态。由于它化学性质极端活泼,所以几乎不把它作为金属使用(除了做化学反应剂)。

    It is a soft , silvery white metal , not found free in nature and rarely used as the metal ( except as a chemical reagent ) because of its extreme reactivity .

  3. 镀液温度为75~80°C时沉积速率较大且较稳定,且当施镀温度为75°C时镀层表面均匀有光泽,呈银白色。

    The deposition rate is quite fast and stable as the bath temperature is between 75 ~ 80 ° C , and the composite coating is uniform in luster and silver white when the bath temperature is 75 ° C.

  4. 通过正交试验优化镀液组成和工艺参数,用电沉积法获得了外观呈银白色、平整光滑的Ni-Mo-P非晶态合金镀层。

    Through orthogonal experiments , silvery white amorphous Ni-Mo-P alloy coating was obtained .

  5. 获得了银白色的银包铝粉,其松装密度为0.56g/mL,平均电阻值为10mΩ。

    Silvery white appearance of silver coated aluminum is gained . The apparent density is 0.56 g / mL and average electric resistance value is 10 m Ω .

  6. 用正交试验法研究了电镀Fe-Mo-P非晶态合金的电解配方和工艺条件,获得了外观呈银白色、平整光滑的非晶态镀层。

    Effects of the bath composition and plating conditions on the electrodeposited Fe-Mo-P alloy films are studied with orthogonal methodology .

  7. 在真空室用电子束轰击加热蒸发的方法,研制成功表面呈银白色且光亮的≤50nm厚的α-Fe薄膜(吸收体)样品。

    A method is described of preparing a - Fe thin film absorber samples by electron beam bombardment in a vacuum chamber . The film is about ≤ 50 nm thick , silverly - white and bright , and uniform .

  8. 拖罩流量为1.0m3/h,同轴气流量范围为0.25~1.25m3/h时,可以获得银白色的焊缝;

    The silvery weld can be attained when the flux of gas from the coaxial nozzle is in the range of 0.25 ~ 1.25m3/h and that from the rear-cover is 1.0m3 / h ;

  9. 你大概从未见过那种银白色的金属,即纯铁。

    Probably you never saw the silver-white metal , pure iron .

  10. 青鱼的鳞是银白色的。堇青石白坯陶瓷制品

    A herring 's scales are silver in colour . cordierite whiteware

  11. 银白色云母钛珠光颜料的制备及性能研究

    Studies on Preparation and Optical Properties of Silver-white Titania-mica Pearlescent Pigments

  12. 一轮满月把天空映成一片灿烂的银白色。

    The sky was a brilliant silver from the full moon .

  13. 一种银白色合金,含铜、锌、镍。

    A silver-white alloy containing copper and zinc and nickel .

  14. 锌基合金镀层银白色钝化新工艺的研究

    A New Process of Silvery Passivation of Zinc-Base Alloy Electrodeposit

  15. 欧洲的一种桦树,有银白色脱落树皮和下垂的枝条。

    European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches .

  16. 明亮的蓝天飘着银白色的云朵。

    White clouds hang above in the bright blue sky .

  17. 368.傻子把牛奶溅到银白色的丝绸上。

    368 . The silly spilled the milk on the silver silk .

  18. 一种银白色的稀有矿物,是重要的钴矿石。

    A rare silvery-white mineral ; important ore of cobalt .

  19. 钳口盖,银白色铝质,一体式100/包。

    Crimp cap , silver aluminum one piece , 100 / pk .

  20. 我的身体是银白色或黄白色与黑色条纹相间。

    My body is silver-white or yellowish-white with black stripes .

  21. 愿你有一个银白色的圣诞。

    Wish the Christmas that you have a silver white .

  22. 院子里停着一辆银白色小汽车。

    There is an argental car parked in the yard .

  23. 南非的一种小乔木,叶长而有银白色绢毛。

    Small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage .

  24. 银白色的;银制的(等于argenta)银;

    The metal silver , represented by the color white .

  25. 这是红色或银白色,与规模,并发痒。

    It is red or silvery , with scales , and is itchy .

  26. 临床特点:银白色鳞屑,薄膜现象,点状出血。

    Clinical feature : silver-white scales , thin film phenomena , petechial hemorrhage.10 .

  27. 她满脸皱纹,头发变成了银白色。

    Her face is wrinkled , and her hair has turned silver white .

  28. 冷杉属中长有白色或银白色叶子的植物。

    Any of various true firs having leaves white or silvery white beneath .

  29. 银白色金属,性软而轻,具有延展性。

    Silver metal , soft and light , ductility .

  30. 加利福尼亚远海的银白色小食用鱼。

    Small silvery marine food fish found off california .