
yín hánɡ tuán
  • consortium;banking consortium
  1. 美国与国际银行团

    The United States and the Consortium

  2. 1913年,袁世凯北京政府与英、法、德、日、俄五国银行团签订的善后大借款,总数为2500万英镑。

    In 1913 , Yuan Shikai Administration signed a loan contract totalling 25 million pound with British , France , Germany , Japan and Russia banking consortium .

  3. “辛迪加贷款,银行团贷款”抵押银行的借贷政策

    A syndicate loan Lending Policies of Mortgage Banks

  4. 由于金额巨大,得由一个银行团来提供。

    As the sum is large , it must be provided by a group of banks .

  5. “辛迪加贷款,银行团贷款”谁来承担贷款风险?央行、行、府还是中介?

    Who will bear the risk loans ? The central bank , banking , government or intermediary ?

  6. 一战结束后,德国战败,俄国发生革命,英、法资力大不如前,银行团实为日本控制。

    After World War I , the Germans were defeated , Russia was troubled by its own revolution , and England and France were financially weaker than before , so the Consortium was eventually controlled by Japan .

  7. 本文是中国人民银行代表团访问法国农村合作金融的考察报告,重点分析了法国农业信贷银行的“混合治理结构”。

    This paper analyzes the mixed governance structure of Cr é dit Agricole ( CA ), to show the three-stage development of rural credit cooperatives .

  8. 上周五,由几内亚比绍的保罗?戈梅斯率领的世界银行代表团赴佛得角就此进行商讨,保罗?戈梅斯是世界银行西非局局长。

    The World Bank 's current mission to Cape Verde , which began Friday , is led by Guinea Bissau 's Paulo Gomes , the World Bank 's director for West Africa .

  9. 自那以来,爱尔兰纾困行动起起落落,而比雷埃夫斯银行的承销团则岿然不动。

    The Irish bail-out has since come and gone , and Piraeus ' underwriting group remains in place .

  10. 即使苏格兰皇家银行的智囊团可以解答所有的置疑,此次财团收购仍有一些不确定性。

    There is less certainty about the consortium bid , even if the RBS spin-doctors have ready answers for each open question .

  11. 在特定的股票发行中,投资银行建立承销团共同创造市场和分销公司证券,在长期合作中形成战略网络。

    In IPO investment banks always build underwriting syndicates to make market and distribute shares and an underwriting network is formed in a long period .