
  • 网络financial control
  1. 要是现实成本没有超出详细的成本估算,我们便认为项目的财政控制做得较好。

    To the extent that costs are within the detailed cost estimate , then the project is thought to be under financial control .

  2. 本文以此为视点对日本财政控制下的重点投资进行了实证分析。

    With this as the central topic , the paper is devoted to an illustrated analysis of the discriminative investment under financial control of Japan .

  3. 最近几周,欧元区其他国家的政府和欧洲央行(ECB)呼吁德国政府放松自我实施的财政控制,以提振欧元区的增长。

    In recent weeks other eurozone governments , and the European Central Bank , have called on the German government to loosen its self-imposed fiscal belt , which would help to boost growth in the eurozone .

  4. 上周,美国白宫预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(PeterOrszag)宣布了自己的退出战略。他表示他将辞职;他的同僚们表示(尽管他否认这点),白宫在中期财政控制上的犹豫不决让他失望。

    Last week its budget director , Peter Orszag , disclosed his own . He said he was quitting ; colleagues said ( though he denied ) that he was frustrated by White House indecision over medium-term fiscal control .

  5. 奥巴马只在被逼无奈的情况下才开始认真对待财政控制。

    Mr Obama gets serious about fiscal control only when forced to .

  6. 会计核算是财政控制的基础;

    Accounting is the basis of fiscal control ;

  7. 他表示他将辞职;他的同僚们表示(尽管他否认这点),白宫在中期财政控制上的犹豫不决让他失望。

    He said he was quitting ; colleagues said ( though he denied ) that he was frustrated by White House indecision over medium-term fiscal control .

  8. 我希望,在中期财政控制上、碳排放税上、自由贸易上、其自己主张的医疗改革上,奥巴马是一个更有力的倡导者。

    I wish the president was a more forceful advocate for medium-term fiscal control , for a carbon tax , for liberal trade and for his own healthcare reform .

  9. 从微观机制上来探讨金融发展和稳定政策丝毫不亚于财政控制和货币控制等宏观方面的稳定政策的重要性。

    I hold that it is important to explore financial development and stability policies from prospective of micro mechanism as well as to pioneer macro stability policies such as fiscal and monetary policy .

  10. 但唐代的报灾制度中一直存在着救灾与中央财政控制之间的矛盾,唐政府一直在为提高受灾地方政府应对灾害的主动性和效率而努力。

    However , the conflict between relieving disaster and financial support from the central government had been bothering the Tang government who had been urging the local government of the disastrous areas to actively handle the disaster .

  11. 第三部分,对于该乡行政成本形成现状的原因进行归纳总结,从人员素质、财政控制、决策体制和监督机制四个方面说明该乡的行政成本偏高的原因。

    The third part , Summed up the reasons of the current situation , from personnel quality , financial control , decision-making system and supervision mechanism of four aspects , find out the reason of higher administrative cost .

  12. 莫斯科维奇也承诺说,法国社会党会把公共财政支出控制好。

    Moscovici also gave assurances that the Socialists would keep public finances under control .

  13. 中国始终重视增长的可持续性,把财政赤字控制在占国内生产总值3%的范围之内。

    China has always paid attention to the sustainability of growth ; the deficit range is about 3 % of GDP .

  14. 恢复对财政的控制需要削减开支(包括社保和联邦医疗保险计划)并增税(不只是对富人增税)。

    Restoring fiscal control will require spending cuts ( including from Social Security and Medicare ) and higher taxes ( not just on the rich ) .

  15. 在泰国财政部控制下的泰国烟草专卖公司是唯一获准在泰国制造卷烟的公司。

    The Thailand Tobacco Monopoly ( TTM ), which is under the control of the Ministry of Finance of Thailand , is the only company allowed to produce cigarettes in Thailand .

  16. 有迹象表明欧盟处在不利的谈判地位,于是便再次宽限德国一年的时间,让其把财政赤字控制在3%的起码的标准以下,法国也得到了同样的宽限。

    In a sign of the commission 's poor bargaining position , it granted Germany an extra year to bring its deficit below the3 percent threshold , the same waiver it recently gave France .

  17. 运用群决策方法,确定财政风险控制决策的总体目标和任务,提出了基于总任务的群体决策模型,对财政决策成员的群体决策进行一致化处理。

    According to the evaluating result of finance risk , the mission and target of the decision are all made out . A model is proposed to concentrate group members ' decisions into a unify decision .

  18. 随着市场经济的发展,宏观经济管理和政府财政风险控制面临更多挑战,传统的凭借管理者经验决策的方法已经不能适应社会发展的需要。

    With the development of the market economy , the management of the macro economy and the control of the risk in public finance are faced more difficulty . The traditional method that is managing according to personal experience is not matched with the society demand .

  19. 宏观货币政策和财政政策的控制管理策略

    Optimal Control Mangement of Macro Monetary and Macro Fiscal Policies

  20. 防范潜在财政风险适度控制国债规模

    Preventing the Potential Fiscal Risk and Controlling the Size of Government Debts

  21. 完成公司的财政规章和控制体系。

    Completing financial regulations and control system of the company .

  22. 财政收支平衡控制模型及其应用

    The Control Model for Balance of Revenue and Expenditure

  23. 财政支出结构控制是财政政策的一个重要组成方面。

    Controlling the structure of financial expenditure is an important task of fiscal policy .

  24. 本章着眼于从公民预算权利的角度展开对财政支出法律控制的制度分析。

    This chapter gives an institutional analysis for legal control of fiscal expenditures from the perspective of budgetary rights .

  25. 然而,即便如此,欧洲央行仍然在拼命摆脱由政府提供财政支持的控制。

    Even so it is struggling to escape the charge that it is providing support for governments ' fiscal policies .

  26. 逐步自由化的贷款利率,如灵活和有效的财政手段来控制供求关系。

    Through the gradual liberalization of lending rates , such as flexible and effective financial means to control the supply-demand relationship .

  27. 毫无疑问,这有助于我们很多经过这些困难时期并保持我们的财政状况得到控制。

    No doubt this helps us a lot to go through these difficult times and to keep our financial position under control .

  28. 这话理解得也有问题。指的是关注那些在改革以及公共财政与竞争控制上的做的最差的政府。

    With luck this should focus attention on governments with the worst records of reform , control of public finances and competitiveness .

  29. 三是中央财政赤字可以控制在调整预算批准的数额之内,地方财政略有结余。

    Thirdly , the central fiscal deficit was managed within the figures allowed by the adjusted budget , and the local budgets have slight surplus .

  30. 理念是行动的先导,本章主要回答财政支出法律控制应当秉持何种理念的问题。

    Ideas can be the guide of actions . This chapter mainly answers what kind of ideas should be applied to in the legal control of fiscal expenditures .