
  • 网络Original number;primitive numbers
  1. 把三倍于原数的钱拿去,让我撕了这张借约吧。

    Take more than three times your money and let me tear up this paper .

  2. 拖动手形图标,把数字线放在你估计的最接近原数的位置。

    By dragging the hand , estimate where Sid 's number lies on the chosen number line .

  3. 本文应用规范研究的演绎方法,从财务报表分析对象的特征出发,提出了一个全新的概念&财务报表分析视角,包括报表原数视角、财务比率视角、结构百分比分析视角和结构重构视角;

    Using normative method , the paper studies special features of financial report , and analyses the financial report starting from a new angle .

  4. 若有人误吃了圣物,要照圣物的原数加上五分之一,交给祭司。

    If anyone eats a sacred offering by mistake , he must make restitution to the priest for the offering and add a fifth of the value to it .

  5. 当地教育部门已经介入该事件,并要求该教师公开道歉,并将所筹的1000元(合145美元)原数奉还。同时,相关部门还对所有教师提出警告:教师禁止向学生发动筹款。

    The local education authority has reportedly intervened in the case , and asked the teacher to apologize to the public and to pay back the 1000 yuan ( around 145 US dollars ) that he received , with a warning that teachers are not permitted to raise money from students .

  6. 以小鼠精原细胞数的变化检测氚辐射的相对生物效应

    The RBE of tritium radiation measured in mouse spermatogonium

  7. 他被迫取消了他原计划数月后的第一次复出演出。

    He had to cancel his first planned public reappearance a few months later .

  8. 小原在数叶子的时候在叶子上贴片贴纸,以避免重复数。

    To avoid double-counting , Shigeo had placed decals on the leaves as he tallied them .

  9. 方法通过大鼠脑损伤模型,测定血浆和海马内皮素、血液流变学指标及海马神经原坏死数。

    Methods The levels of ET1 in the plasma and hippocampus of rat with brain trauma were determined by RIA , hemorheological properties of rats following brain injury were studied .

  10. 目前根治过敏症的方法就是持续给患者注射一定剂量的过敏原,数年后就能让免疫系统对过敏原进行识别。

    The current method of curing allergies is to give a person small doses of an allergen over a period of years in order to train the immune system to recognize it .

  11. 延长的能力取决于食品种类、脂肪含量、原细菌数、混合气体的组成、气体和食品的体积比,最重要的是储藏温度。

    The achievable extension of shelf-life depends on species , fat content , initial microbial population , gas mixture , the ratio of gas volume to product volume , and most importantly , storage temperature .

  12. 测试结果表明:本论文设计的无线数传电台成功地替代了某型号的原有线数传系统,大大地提高了某型号的机动性,增强了该武器系统的战斗力。

    The result of system debugging showed that the software wireless data transmission radio can successfully substitute the previous wire data transmission system , and improve the flexibility and the battle effectiveness of the missile system .

  13. 第一章:目的通过对正常原核数目的受精卵进行原核评级,在体外受精-胚胎移植治疗中筛选正常优质胚胎。

    Part one : Objective By pronuclear grading for zygotes with normal pronuclear numbers , it is aimed to select normal good-quality embryos for transfer in clinical IVF ( in-vitro fertilization ) / ICSI ( intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection ) .

  14. 原温湿频数能耗计算方法(BIN法)简单地将透过玻璃窗的日射负荷处理成温度的线性关系。

    Bin method regards that load through the glass windows has linear relationship with the temperature .

  15. 主要观察指标:Morris水迷宫行为测试中大鼠平台平均潜伏期的变化及撤除平台后3组大鼠120s内在各象限游泳距离占总距离的百分比和跨过原平台位置数;

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : In Morris water maze , the average latency of rats in the platform and the number of platform crossings within 120 s.

  16. 即便报告最终认定维珍银行的“太空船2号”(SpaceShipTwo)不存在任何重大缺陷,该委员会的调查时间之长也将进一步打击李察爵士让该项目重新上马的希望,该项目已较原计划拖延数年。

    Even if it ultimately clears Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo of any major flaws , the length of the NTSB investigation looks set to complicate further Sir Richard 's hopes of getting back to development of the project , which is already years behind schedule .

  17. 代数方法下的伪原根个数统计算法

    Algebra Method in Calculating Pseudo-Primitive Roots

  18. 授粉后7-8天,在胚囊中见到二细胞原胚及数个胚乳游离核。

    There ware two cell proembryo and some endosperm free nucleuses in the embryo sac 7-8 days after pollination ;

  19. 黄原胶的数均分子量研究

    A Study on Number Average Molecular Weight of Xanthan should be the new synonym of it . The Yellow Paint

  20. 结果表明,森林土、琼脂和蛭石间原叶体数无差异,但成苗率间差异显著;

    The results showed that there was no significant difference of the numbers of prothallus induced from spores by forest soil , agar and vermiculite , but the planting rates among them were significantly different .

  21. 最后证明了运算法的时间复杂性为O(N~2),其中N为原多边形的边数。

    The time complexity of the algorithm is proved to be O ( n2 ) , where N is the number of edges of the original polygon .

  22. 然后根据原根可使数环重新排序的性质,利用一对原根对DFT运算的输入和输出序列重新排序,推导出DFT的循环卷积算法,进一步给出了此算法的结构图。

    Based on the character of primitive root can reorder the number ring and using the two primary root to reorder the input and output sequences of the DFT computation , a algorithm of DFT cyclic convolution was deducted and further structure diagram was given .

  23. 扰动地面的雷诺数和阻力系数均大于原地面,弗劳德数差异不显著;

    The Reynolds number and the resistance coefficient of the disturbed land was more than that of the undisturbed land .

  24. 分别就典则形式和标准形式明确原规划的检验数与对偶规划解之间的对应关系;

    The corresponding relationship between the test number of primal programming and the solution of dual programming was indicated for canonical form and standard form respectively .

  25. 去年五月的首场招聘会,人们原以为只有寥寥数家公司可能会参加;结果却有45家公司参与,500名工程师到现场。

    It was thought only a handful of firms might take part in the inaugural fair last May ; 45 did , and around 500 engineers turned up .