
  • 网络WTI;NYMEX;oil future;Forward
  1. 原油期货价格走低。

    Crude oil future prices move lower .

  2. 国际原油期货价格对聚烯烃市场的影响

    Influences of Int ' 1 Crude Oil Future Price on Polyolefin Market

  3. 早盘交易中,伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格上涨1.15美元,至每桶123.37美元,为2008年8月以来的最高水平。

    ICE May Brent early in the day rose $ 1.15 to $ 123.37 per barrel , the highest since August 2008 .

  4. 同时,V统计结果表明,纽约原油期货市场存在一个大约208d的非周期循环长度。

    The result also indicates that New York oil futures exist one aperiodic length of circulation and the length is 208 days .

  5. 7月份,西德克萨斯中质(WestTexasIntermediate)原油期货曾创下78.40美元的纪录高位,但目前已下跌18%。

    West Texas Intermediate crude futures struck a record high of $ 78.40 in July , but have fallen 18 per cent .

  6. 北京希望其能够与纽约的西得克萨斯中质油油期货(WestTexasIntermediatefutures)和伦敦的布伦特原油期货(Brentfutures)相竞争。

    Beijing hopes they will compete with the West Texas Intermediate futures traded in New York and London 's Brent futures .

  7. Brent原油期货市场的协整性分析

    The cointegration Analysis of the Brent Futures Market

  8. 欧洲基准原油期货&伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格继周一下跌2.67美元后,再跌2.78美元,至121.20美元/桶。

    ICE May Brent , the European oil benchmark , fell $ 2.78 to $ 121.20 per barrel , with losses snowballing from a $ 2.67 fall on Monday .

  9. 美国原油期货合约价格重回每桶100美元上方,这是因为有关方面计划逆转一条关键输油管道的流向,再次将西得克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)供应与全球市场连接起来。

    US crude oil futures sprang back above $ 100 a barrel on plans to reverse a key pipeline that would reconnect the supply of West Texas Intermediate to global markets .

  10. 全球最大的场外石油经纪商PVMOilAssociates昨日披露,由于一名交易员对布伦特原油期货进行了未授权交易,该公司亏损了近1000万美元。

    PVM Oil Associates , the largest over-the-counter oil brokerage , revealed yesterday it had lost almost $ 10m after one of its traders engaged in unauthorised trading in Brent futures .

  11. 位于美国的洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)决定,将开始在伦敦从事原油期货交易,与纽约商品交易所展开直接竞争,并击败对手,这一决定可以说也面临同样的难题。

    The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London , in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York .

  12. 去年,西德克萨斯中质原油期货价格比北海布伦特原油(brent)期货价格低了10美元。

    West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures last year traded as much as $ 10 a barrel less than Brent , its rival from the North Sea .

  13. 随着纽约商交所(nymex)的原油期货价格达到每桶142美元,当前的石油危机与坏运气和地质学两者同样相关。

    The current oil shock , with NYMEX crude touching $ 142 , has as much to do with bad luck as geology .

  14. 随着阶数q值的变化,WTI原油期货价格序列的广义Hurst指数从0.8625递减到0.3097,其他石油期货市场也具有类似的特点。

    Along with the order q changing , the Generalized Hurst index of WTI crude oil futures prices sequence decreases from 0.8625 to 0.3097 , and similar characteristics exit in other oil futures markets .

  15. 上述言论导致油价在9日交易中微幅上涨,3月交割的美国原油期货价格约为每桶40美元,布伦特(Brent)原油期货攀升至近47美元。

    The comments led to a slight rise in oil prices yesterday , with US crude for March delivery trading at about $ 40 per barrel and Brent crude climbing to almost $ 47 .

  16. 该公司买卖大量俄罗斯石油,但布伦特(brent)、西德克萨斯中质原油期货(wti)等对冲工具反映的是欧美原油的价格。

    It trades a large amount of Russian oil , but hedging instruments such as Brent and West Texas Intermediate futures reflect the cost of crude in Europe and the US .

  17. 交易所数据显示,对冲基金以及其他大型投机者累积了创纪录的北海布伦特(Brent)原油期货和期权合约,规模接近2.65亿桶石油,相当于近3天的全球石油需求。

    Exchange data show hedge funds and other large speculators have accumulated a record-breaking number of North Sea Brent futures and options contracts equal to almost 265m barrels of oil & the equivalent of almost three days of global oil demand .

  18. 在长期原油期货价格大幅上涨之际,作为西方国家的石油监管机构,国际能源机构(IEA)将于今日会见金融、贸易、生产、提炼领域的专家和经济学家,讨论当前价格上涨的根本原因。

    The surge in long-dated prices comes as the International Energy Agency , the western countries ' oil watchdog , meets financial , trading , producing , refining and economic experts today to discuss the roots of the current price rise .

  19. 原油期货价格对现货价格的预测准确性分析

    Accuracy analysis of forecasting crude oil spot prices using futures prices

  20. 原油期货离中国有多远?

    Raw oil futures : how far is it from china ?

  21. 需求的降低迫使交易商抛售原油期货合同。

    The gloom about demand is forcing traders to sell oil contracts .

  22. 纽约原油期货市场多重分形特征研究

    The Multifractal Features Analysis on New York Oil Futures Market

  23. 布伦特原油期货交易及对我国的启示

    Futures Exchange of Brent Oil and its Inspiration to Us

  24. 美国原油期货上周五收于每桶73.36美元。

    US oil futures closed on Friday at $ 73.36 a barrel .

  25. 今天,原油期货价格小幅增长。

    Crude oil futures ' prices were up modestly today .

  26. 原油期货投机与油价变动的关系

    Relationship between crude-oil futures speculation and oil price fluctuations

  27. 王立华表示,她希望原油期货能在年内推出。

    Ms Wang said she hoped the contract could be launched this year .

  28. 监管机构希望了解更多关于是谁在交易原油期货。

    Regulators want to know more about who is trading in oil futures .

  29. 布伦特原油期货市场状况显示出需求低迷。

    The Brent futures market points to sluggish demand .

  30. 原油期货牵动市场神经

    Crude oil futures stirs the nerve of the market