
  • 网络subprime mortgage
  1. 2007~2009年美国遭受了次贷风暴金融海啸经济衰退等一系列危机的冲击。

    United States suffered from the subprime crisis , financial crisis and the economic recession within 2007-2009 .

  2. 见到工业的发展一时间转暗,北京某部门认为次贷风暴与美国不景是原因。

    Seeing that the industrial outlook has suddenly turned gloomy , a department in Beijing placed the blame on the sub-prime crisis and recession in the United States .

  3. 在全球经济空前一体化和金融创新发展变幻莫测的大背景下,始于美国的这场次贷风暴已经演变成全球范围内的金融危机,其波及范围之广、影响程度之深为全球各界始料不及。

    Under the environment of unprecedented integration in the global economy and the vagaries of financial innovation and development , the loan crisis began in U.S. has now evolved into a global financial crisis . The scope and depth extent of the impact to the world is unexpectedly affected .

  4. 一年前,高盛和瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)似乎已避开了美国次贷市场风暴所造成的最严重损害。

    A year ago , Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse appeared to have avoided the worst damage from the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .