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  1. 综合评价电针次髎穴在治疗原发性痛经的疗效更好。

    Comprehensive evaluation the EA Ciliao better hole in the efficacy of the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea .

  2. 结论:耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射是一种好的分娩镇痛方法,效果可靠、简单易行,对母婴无不良影响,可在基层广泛推广。

    Conclusion : Ear point stimulation and Ciliao injection can be used to relieve pain parturition and produce a reliable effect so the methods can be safely extended to the grass - roots units .

  3. 结果:针刺地机穴治疗原发性痛经与针刺次髎穴治疗原发性痛经疗效相似。

    Results : Diji point resembles therapeutic effects on primary dysmenorrheal with Ciliao point .

  4. 目的:探讨耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射分娩镇痛效果。

    Objective : To explore analgesic effect in parturition of ear point stimulation and Cib'ao injection .

  5. 尤其是即时疗效电针次髎穴的疗效明显优于口服西药芬必得疗法。

    In particular , the efficacy of the immediate efficacy EA Ciliao the hole much better than oral medicine Fenbid therapy .

  6. 操作方法:嘱患者取俯卧位,取中髎穴、次髎穴与会阳穴,使用75%酒精常规消毒针刺部位。

    Operation method : instructing patients who take prone , take in the CiLiao ZhongLiao HuiYang , 75 % alcohol use regular disinfection acupuncture position .

  7. 结论:地机穴治疗原发性痛经具有与次髎穴相似的临床疗效,证明地机穴相对于次髎穴在原发性痛经的治疗中没有特异性。

    Conclusion : The Diji point has similar therapeutic effect on primary dysmenorrheal contrast to Ciliao point , which proved Diji point has no specificity to treat primary dysmenorrhea contrast to Ciliao point .

  8. 结论:以深刺次髎穴为主综合治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床效果明显优于常规取穴,且复发率低。

    Conclusion The clinical effect of deeply needling Ciliao ( BL 32 ) as main therapy is significantly better than that of the routine selection of acupoints , with a lower recurrence rate .

  9. 温和灸中极、三阴交双、次髎双双穴能有效改善原发性痛经模型大鼠的扭体反应,即对原发性痛经有较好的治疗效果。

    Mild moxibustion in double , double , Sanyinjiao Ciliao acupoint therapy can effectively improve the Primary Dysmenorrhea Rats writhing reaction , namely on primary dysmenorrhea have better therapeutic effect . 3 .