
cì shēnɡ kuànɡ chuánɡ
  • secondary deposit
  1. 玉石级翡翠主要产于缅甸北部密支那地区的乌龙河流域,根据翡翠矿床的地质特征,缅甸翡翠矿床可分为原生矿床和次生矿床,次生矿床翡翠品质较好。

    The high quality Jadeite Jade deposit is occurred primarily in Myitkyina area the north of Burma . According to the geological characteristic of the jadeite deposit , The jadeite deposit is divided into the primary deposit and secondary deposit , Jadeite that occurred in secondary deposit have better quality .

  2. 辽宁岫岩软玉砂矿(又称河磨玉矿)是原生软玉矿的次生砂矿床。

    Liaoning Xiuyan Nephrite Placer Deposit ( XNPD ) is a secondary deposit of primary nephrite ore.

  3. 中国西部地区钙芒硝矿床发育次生富集带,形成可供工业利用的次生芒硝矿床。

    There is a secondary enrichment zone of glauberite in the western part of China to have developed a number of usable glauberite deposits .