
  • 网络SHP;Sodium hypophosphite;SHPP
  1. 目前,作为化学镀铜溶液中的还原剂,甲醛和次磷酸钠的应用最为广泛且工艺成熟,可是,考虑到环境因素及镀层质量等问题,亟需寻求一种性能更优异的化学镀铜体系。

    Currently , formaldehyde and sodium hypophosphite are widely used as reducing agent of electroless copper plating , and have high technical maturity . However , considering the problem of environmental factors and plating quality , a more excellent reducing agent is needed urgently .

  2. 根据线性扫描伏安法的基本原理和有关的实验技术提出酸性和碱性化学镀镍液中Ni~(2+)和次磷酸钠浓度的快速测定法。

    The repid methods for determination of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) and sodium hypophosphite concentrations in acidic and basic electroless Ni plating baths have been suggested based on the basic principle of linear sweep voltammetry and relative technique .

  3. 砷暴露可导致肝脏亚细胞结构变化,电镜下可见次磷酸钠、磷酸钠及维生素E对肝细胞有较好的保护作用。结论:(1)砷暴露小鼠红细胞膜和肝细胞膜

    Results : ( 1 ) Sodium hypophosphate and trisodium phosphate

  4. 次磷酸钠在CA整理体系中的催化作用

    Catalysis of Sodium Hypophosphite on Citric Acid Finishing System

  5. Ni-P复合材料电镀涂层是在溶有次磷酸钠的瓦特镍池中不同无机物颗粒沉淀的混合物。

    Electrodeposited Ni P composite coatings incorporating a variety of inorganic particles were obtained from Watt 's nickel bath containing sodium hypophosphite .

  6. 化学镀Ni-W-P、Ni-Co-P采用次磷酸钠作为还原剂。

    Sodium hypophosphite is used as reducing agent for electroless plating Ni-W-P and Ni-Co-P.

  7. 认为镀层的含磷量随镀液中次磷酸钠浓度、络合剂浓度或镀液温度的增高而提高,但随镀液pH值的增高而减低。

    The results showed that increasing bath concentration of hypophosphite and complexing agent or operating temperature results in increase of phosphorus content in the deposit , but increasing bath pH value leads to decrease of such content .

  8. 研究了镀液中硫酸镍、次磷酸钠、柠檬酸钠、硫酸铜、稳定剂、光亮剂的含量以及pH值和温度等因素对合金镀层的外观、沉积速度及铜含量的影响。

    The effects of concentration of nickel sulfate , sodium hypophosphite , sodium citrate , cupric sulfate , stabilizer and brightener , pH value and temperature on appearance , deposition rate and copper content in the obtained electroless deposits were studied .

  9. 基于稀磷酸介质中痕量锡对次磷酸钠还原酸性铬蓝K褪色反应的催化作用,建立了测定痕量锡的动力学光度分析法。

    Catalytic effect of trace tin on decolorizing reaction of acid chrome blue K by reducing with sodium hypophosphite in dilute phosphate acid solution has been studied . Based on this study , a kinetic spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace tin has been established .

  10. 泥磷制取次磷酸钠实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Preparation of Sodium hypophosphite from Phosphorus Sludge

  11. 一步法制备次磷酸钠的研究

    Study on the preparation of sodium hypophosphite by one-stage process

  12. 次磷酸钠制备及反应动力学研究

    Research for the preparation of sodium hypophosphite and reaction kinetics

  13. 次磷酸钠工业生产副产物综合利用研究

    Study on integrated utilization of by-products produced from industrial production of sodium hypophosphite

  14. 马来酸对次磷酸钠化学镀铜沉积行为的影响

    Influence of Maleic Acid on the Deposition Behavior of Sodium Hypophosphite Electroless Copper Plating

  15. 低温化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠还原效率的研究

    A Study of the Reduction Efficiency of Sodium Hypophosphite in Low Temperature Electroless Nickel Bath

  16. 次磷酸钠液相化学还原法制备纳米银粉的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Silver Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction Using Sodium Hypophosphite in Solution

  17. 泥磷与碱液反应制取次磷酸钠是一种有效回收单质磷的方法。

    Using phosphorus sludge react with alkali solution to get sodium hypophosphite is an effective method .

  18. 化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠含量的电位滴定法测定&现场快速分析

    Deter Mination of Hypophosphite Ion Concentration in Electroless Nickel Plating Solution by Potential Titration Field Analyzing Rapidly

  19. 采用次磷酸钠作还原剂,在片状铜粉表面化学镀锡,得到片状锡包铜粉。

    Tin coated flake Cu powder was obtained by electroless tin plating with hypophosphite as reducing agent .

  20. 伏安法测定化学镀镍液中Ni~(2+)和次磷酸钠浓度

    Voltammetric Determination of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) and Sodium Hypophosphite Concentrations in Electroless Ni Plating Baths

  21. 并且首次实现了在次磷酸钠作为还原剂的化学镀镍体系的超级化学镍填充。

    And the bottom-up electroless nickel filling was first achieved , using sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent .

  22. 用阳极极化曲线的方法,较详细地研究了次磷酸钠在镍电极上的氧化过程。

    Oxidation process of hypophosphite on Ni electrode was studied in more detail with anodic polarization curve method .

  23. 依据次磷酸钠在体系中的催化作用开发和研究了无磷催化剂氨三乙酸钠。

    Based on catalyzing hypothesis of sodium hypophosphite , we explored and studied a non-phosphorus catalyst & sodium nitrilotriacetate .

  24. 次磷酸钠具有很高的经济附加值,广泛应用于化学镀、电镀等多个行业。

    Sodium hypophosphite had the considerable economical value , was widely used in chemical plating , galvanization and so on .

  25. 制得的次磷酸钠是一种强还原剂,广泛应用于化学镀、食品加工等行业,具有较高的经济附加值。

    Sodium hypophosphite is strong reducing agent and with high economic value , widely used in chemical plating , food processing and other industries .

  26. 本文主要探讨了化学镀镍液中影响次磷酸钠浓度测定准确度的因素,并相应地提出了行之有效的解决方法。

    This papers not only explores which factors make the consistency determination of the NaH_2PO_2 non-accurate in the chemical nickle-plated aqua , but also advance some feasible resolutions .

  27. 认为在镇液中加入配体柠檬酸钠可以提高阴极极化,加入次磷酸钠有利于合金镀层的形成。

    The result showed that cathodic polarization increases with the addition of complexant trisodium citrate and that formation of the alloy deposit is facilitated by addition of sodium hypophosphite .

  28. 对化学镀镍的反应机理进行分析,提出次磷酸钠还原效率的概念,推导出次磷酸钠还原效率的计算公式。

    The reaction mechanism of electroless nickel plating is analyzed ; a concept of the reduction efficiency of sodium hypophosphite proposed ; and the calculation formula for the efficiency derived .

  29. 产品中次磷酸钠得含量为98.79%,亚磷酸钠的含量为1.17%,钙的含量为0.03%。

    And the content of sodium hypophosphite in the product is 98.79 % , the content of sodium phosphite is 1.17 % and the content of Calcium is 0.03 % .

  30. 并对现有的镀液分析方法进行了比较,确定了快速连续测定化学镀锡液中亚锡离子和次磷酸钠的方法。

    The existing bath analyzing methods are compared , as a result a quick and continous method for determining sodium hypophosphite and stannum ( II ) ion in electroless tin bath is determined .