
  • 网络dimensionless parameter;non-dimensional parameter;nondimensional parameter
  1. 在给料罐压力相对稳定和通气良好的条件下,通过无量纲参数Fr建立粉煤流动稳定性判据,揭示管中气速与流动稳定性的关系。

    Under the condition of the steady pressure and good aeration , the criterion of flow stability was established through non-dimensional parameter Fr , which reflected the relationship between flow stability and gas velocity .

  2. 此外,综合多参数的实验结果表明,雷诺数是判断小口径超声波热量表测量准确性的重要无量纲参数。

    Furthermore , a multi-parameter analysis showed that the Reynolds number is a key non-dimensional parameter to characterize the measurement accuracy of small scale flow meters .

  3. 本文提出了一个无量纲参数&接触因子φc,在数学上它等于粗糙表面非接触的概率,而且仅仅是h/σ的函数;

    A dimensionless parameter called contact factor , expressed by which equals the non-contact probability of surface roughness , is derived in this paper .

  4. 可以通过本文定义的无量纲参数u′,确定冲刷形态。

    The two erosion patterns can be determined by dimensionless parameter U ' , defined in this paper .

  5. 通过扩展的内模整定方法提出了基于无量纲参数(无量纲时滞时间和无量纲过程增益)的PID控制器参数整定方法。

    This paper presents a new normalized tuning method of PID controllers based on two dimensionless numbers form extensive IMC tuning method .

  6. Bingham体的连续流和阵性流研究中无量纲参数讨论

    Discussion on the Dimensionless Parameters in the Investigation of Bingham-Fluid Continual and Intermittent Flow

  7. 本文利用无量纲参数、变分-有限元法和优选法来确定任意折射率剖面光纤LP(11)模的归一化截止频率Vc。

    Variation-finite element and optimum-seeking methods for determination of the normalized cut-off frequency Vc of the Lpa anode in an optical fiber with dimensionless parameters are presented in this paper .

  8. 通过对液固两相流在垂直等径流中流动的稳定性分析,讨论了v、ρs、Fr及Re等无量纲参数对管束系统稳定性的影响。

    By analyzing the stability of liquid solid two phase flow in vertical tube bundle consisting tubes of same diameter , the factors which influence the stability are discussed by using some non dimensional parameters .

  9. 粘性泥石流体应力过冲特征与阵性流形成机理初探Bingham体的连续流和阵性流研究中无量纲参数讨论

    An approach to relationship between over-stress behavior and forming mechanism of viscous debris flow surges Discussion on the Dimensionless Parameters in the Investigation of Bingham-Fluid Continual and Intermittent Flow

  10. 最后,把气孔影响球壳极限载荷的多种因素化简为无量纲参数G0来反映气孔缺陷的特征,并以G0来拟合极限载荷计算公式。

    Finally , several factors influencing spherical limit loads are simplified as a non-dimensional factor G0 to reflect the cavity flaw characteristic , and the formula for calculating limit loads is draw up based on G0 .

  11. 详细讨论了各种无量纲参数对于轴向速度分布、二次流动、温度分布、轴法向应力,摩擦系数和Nusselt数的影响,获得了若干重要结果。

    The variations of secondary flow , axial velocity , distribution of temperature and axial normal stress , the ratio of fiction factor and the Nusselt number with different dimensionless parameters had been examined in detail .

  12. 本文提出一种利用回路无量纲参数分析和计算四参数瞬态恢复电压(TRV)的方法和大容量实验室中所用的四种试验回路的TRV调节限度。

    This paper presents a method for analysis and calculation of 4-parameter trasient recovery voltage ( TRV ) and its adjustment limitation in 4 kinds of testing circuits used in high-power laboratories .

  13. 影响这种不均匀性的主要因素是Peclet数、管壁材料的相对导热系数、实验段相对加热长度及管壁相对厚度等无量纲参数。

    The main dimensionless parameters that influence the homogeneity of the fluid thermal boundary conditions are Peclet number , the wall to fluid thermal conductivity ratio , the heating / cooling length radius ratio and the wall thickness radius ratio of testing pipe .

  14. 制冷实验无量纲参数实时处理系统的开发

    Development of Dimensionless Parameters Real Time Processing System for Refrigeration Experiments

  15. 适当缩放-什么是相关的无量纲参数?

    " Appropriate " Scaling-what are the Relevant Nondimensional Parameters ?

  16. 热动力学无量纲参数法基本公式的研究

    Study On the Basic Formula of Thermokinetic Dimensionless Parameter Method

  17. 三点法制导回路无量纲参数最优设计

    Command Guidance System Optimal Non - dimensional Parameter Design

  18. 无量纲参数在矿用低速重载齿轮故障诊断中的应用

    Dimensionless parameters applied to fault diagnosis of mine low speed heavy loaded gear

  19. 首都圈地磁无量纲参数地震前兆信息研究

    Study on seismic precursory information of geomagnetic non-dimensional parameter in the capital circle area

  20. 高雷诺数对无量纲参数的影响

    Effects of High Reynolds Numbers on Non-Dimension Parameters

  21. 将无量纲参数重新组合以便于进行参数分析并可更简洁地表达数据。

    Dimensionless variables were regrouped to facilitate the parameter studies and the data representation .

  22. 无量纲参数法对络合反应化学平衡的研究

    Studies on Chemical Equilibrium of the Complex Reaction with the Method of Dimensionless Parameter

  23. 研究图像特征包括区域几何特征,无量纲参数,纹理特征,并对植物图像进行了特征提取。

    Study the image features include geometric characteristics , nondimensional shape features and texture features .

  24. 无量纲参数和控制策略对多次喷射响应特性及喷油规律的影响

    Effects of Dimensionless Number and Control Strategies on Transient Response and Injection Rate Shaping of Multi-Injection

  25. 针对孔隙中流体的传热机理,诠释了无量纲参数φ的物理意义。

    The physics meaning of dimensionless parameter φ was given according to heat transfer theory in the pores .

  26. 最后以图形方式给出了温度随这些无量纲参数的分布并做了一些讨论。

    Finally , the temperature distribution with the identified dimensionless parameters was obtained in graphical forms and discussed .

  27. 一个近似的质量最优化研究被提出,优化设计通过无量纲参数来确定。

    A limited study of weight optimization is carried out . Dimensionless parameters governing optimal designs are identified .

  28. 空泡射流的产生及射流冲击力的大小,由泡能和无量纲参数共同决定。

    The generation and the impact force of cavitation liquid-jet depend on the bubble energy and non-dimension parameters .

  29. 反映在无量纲参数上,随着进口雷诺数的提高,盘腔内的换热增强;

    The heat transfer coefficient rises with Reynolds number , and varies slightly with the increase of Rayleigh number .

  30. 用一级反应的热动力学无量纲参数法研究了环氧氯丙烷的酸催化水解反应。

    The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of epichlorohydrin is studied with the method of dimensionless parameter for the first order reactions In this paper .