
  • 网络no border;without borders;borderless;no boundaries
  1. 另一个例子是,对新事物的迷恋使人们相信,近年来通信和运输技术的变化是革命性的,它让我们现在生活在一个"无国界的世界"。

    In yet another example , a fascination with the new has led people to believe that the recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary that now we live in a " borderless world " .

  2. 一些创新是无国界的——青霉素最早在伦敦被发现,在牛津提炼出来,现在在任何地方都可以买到——但很多研究想法会留在当地,至少在一段时间内是这样。

    Some innovations are borderless - penicillin was discovered in London , developed in Oxford and is available anywhere - but many research ideas stay local , at least for a time .

  3. 国际医疗队和无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithoutBorders)是仅有的两个在利比里亚运营诊疗中心的国际组织。

    The Medical Corps and Doctors Without Borders are the only international organizations operating treatment centers in Liberia .

  4. 美国伊利诺伊大学开设了一个叫做SAWBO的项目——科学动画无国界(ScientificAnimationsWithoutBorders)。

    The University of Illinois in the United States has a project called SAWBO -- Scientific Animations Without Borders .

  5. 该影片中另外一位医生,来自澳大利亚的ChrisBrasheer在医生无国界工作了九年的时间。

    Another doctor in the film , Australian Chris Brasheer , has been with Doctors Without Borders for nine years .

  6. MiriamAlíaPrieto是无国界医生组织的顾问。

    Miriam Al í a Prieto is an adviser for Doctors Without Borders .

  7. 据一位市政府官员称,斯潘瑟一直在几内亚与无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithoutBorders)合作治疗埃博拉病人,直到10月14日回到纽约。

    Dr. Spencer had been working with Doctors Without Borders in Guinea , treating Ebola patients , before returning to New York City on Oct. 14 , according to a city official .

  8. 医生无国界是一个人道主义组织,法文名字叫做MedecinsSansFrontieres。

    Doctors Without Borders is a humanitarian organization also known by its French name , Medecins Sans Frontieres .

  9. FrancoisChappuis是医生无国界国际组织被忽视的热带疾病项目的专家。

    Francois Chappuis is a specialist in ed tropical diseases with the international group Doctors Without Borders .

  10. 但是救援组织在救治西非的病人时,在获得有关这些努力的信息方面有困难,无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithoutBorders)的研究伙伴关系协调员安妮克·安蒂伦斯博士(AnnickAntierens)表示。

    But aid groups treating patients in West Africa had trouble getting information on those efforts , said Dr. Annick Antierens , coordinator of research partnerships for Doctors Without Borders .

  11. 但首先,斯威士兰政府不得不被说服允许MSF开展这一项目,无国界医生斯德莫·古博说道。

    But first , the Swazi government had to be convinced to allow MSF to run the project , says MSF Doctor Sidumo Gumbo .

  12. 国际医疗组织无国界医生(DoctorsWithoutBorders),即MédecinsSansFrontières,当时在受灾地区抗击这种疾病。

    M é decins Sans Fronti è res , known in the United States as Doctors Without Borders , was on the ground at that time , working to fight the disease .

  13. 这家诊所每年为110多万缅甸难民提供照顾,但他们在援助HIV感染者和肺结核病人方面面临着越来越大的挑战,因为医生无国界发起的艾滋病抗逆转录病毒项目被暂停了。

    The clinic , which provides care for more than 110000 Burmese refugees each year , faces growing challenges to assist HIV and tuberculosis patients after the halt of an AIDS antiretroviral program sponsored by Doctors Without Borders ( Medecins Sans Frontieres - MSF ) .

  14. 无国界医生驻科纳克里的官员西尔维·约恩克海勒(SylvieJonckheere)表示,官员们新一轮寻找患者的行动,也导致了发现病例增加。

    Adding to the cases are renewed efforts by officials to find the sick , said Sylvie Jonckheere , a Doctors Without Borders official in Conakry .

  15. 援助机构医生无国界称,由于安全隐患,该机构已停止了索马里中部Bakool地区的活动。

    The aid agency Doctors Without Borders says it is ending its operations in the Bakool region of central Somalia due to security concerns .

  16. 世界卫生组织(WHO)已在与西非各国政府协调地区行动,医疗援助机构“无国界医生组织”(MedecinsSansFrontieres)与一些较小的西方医疗慈善机构一起,也积极参与到抗击埃博拉病毒的行动中。

    The World Health Organisation is already co-ordinating regional action with west African governments , and the medical assistance body M é decins Sans Fronti è res is active in the fight against Ebola , alongside some smaller western health charities .

  17. 楠布利现在是一名乡村卫生发起者,简称RHM。现在她被被非盈利组织无国界医生组织训练成一位社区治疗援助者,简称CTS,而无国界医生这一组织在法语中被称为MedecinsSansFrontieres,简称MSF。

    Nambuli was an RHM or Rural Health Motivator . Now she is being trained to be a Community Treatment Supporter , or CTS , by the non-profit group Doctors Without Borders - known in French as MSF for Medecins Sans Frontieres .

  18. 医生无国界在泰国进行了35年的健康医疗活动后,于今年10月宣布完全从泰国撤出,之前他们就已经关闭了这一HIV药物治疗项目。

    Doctors Without Borders shut down its ARV program on the border before announcing in October this year its complete withdrawal from health-care activities in Thailand , after 35 years . The group said it was leaving after it failed to gain permission from Thai authorities to provide health care for undocumented migrants and " vulnerable populations " in Thailand .

  19. .这里是VOA特别英语发展报道。“紧急救护:无国界医生的故事”是由导演MarkHopkins执导的纪录片,讲述了四名医生以及他们在利比亚和刚果民主共和国的志愿者工作。

    Film Captures Risky Work of Doctors Without Borders This is the VOA Special English Development Report . " Living in Emergency : Stories of Doctors Without Borders " is a by movie director Mark Hopkins . It tells the story of four doctors and their volunteer work in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  20. 我在国外认识的一位无国界医生

    There was this guy I met overseas . Doctors without borders .

  21. 美国人肯尼•盖赖格在无国界医生组织工作。

    The American Kenny Glag works for Doctors Without Borders .

  22. 萨德夫·马莱特雷,这位巴基斯坦的年轻设计师之一称时尚无国界。

    Sadaf Malaterre , one of Pakistan 's younger designers says fashion crosses allboundaries .

  23. 如果有一个地方的市民是无国界的,

    If ever there were citizens without borders ,

  24. 在南非的无国界篮球训练营,我找到了一席之地。

    I got a spot at the Basketball Without Borders camp in South Africa .

  25. 学者们可能住在不同的国家,但他们却属于一个无国界的团体。

    Academics may reside in one country , but they belong to a community that has no boundaries .

  26. 但无国界医生组织已经将数吨医疗援助设备运往该地区准备抗击疫情。

    But Doctors without Borders is proactively flying in tons of medical aid and equipment to fight the epidemic .

  27. 无国界医生组织的阿克希尔·范德尼克称越来越多孤儿的数量成为了埃博拉病毒危机中的危机。

    Doctors Without Borders ' Axelle Vandoornick said the growing number of Ebola orphans is a crisis of its own .

  28. 在斯威士兰,目前为止无国界医生组织已经培训了大约35名社区治疗援助者,他们已经治疗了超过200名患者。

    In Swaziland , MSF has trained about 35 CTS so far , and they have treated more than 200 patients .

  29. 医生无国界是国际性的运动,在19个国家设有组织,包括美国在内。

    Doctors Without Borders is d as an international movement . It has organizations in nineteen countries , including the United States .

  30. 国际救援组织无国界医生的麦格迪·特塞恩确信某种形式的神经毒素已经在叙利亚被释放。

    Meguerditch Terzian of the international relief group Doctors Without Borders is convinced that some form of neurotoxin was released in Syria .