- 网络The invisible hand

This failing of the invisible hand justified government policies to maintain full employment .
Internal management ( the visible hand ) to allocate social resources has to a certain extent replaced the invisible hand & the market price mechanism .
What invisible hand decreed this set of relative prices ?
" The Wealth of Nations " deals with the invisible hand : market forces .
The idea is named the invisible hand principle for the choice of economic institutions in this dissertation .
Chapter nine is on the theories of inefficient nature of the firm based on no-free property rights .
Disembodied Hand : Detach one of your hands and send it forth to manipulate objects or attack .
Certainly , it is as an objective rule to control the formation of industry chain just like an invisible hand .
Some suggest that this is simply the work of the free market rewarding what has become an increasingly important job for American corporations .
Although there are many invisible and magical hands in the world , we do not expect to enhance the petrol price destroying the petrol economy .
Supply chain contracts as the invisible hand of the regulation of the supply chain is becoming a field of research of domestic and international management .
In the market environment , the decentralized decision making approach should be recommended so as to use the " invisible hand " of markets to achieve market equilibrium and efficiency .
Mr Gorton first laid out the core of his theory in a 2008 academic paper which was later incorporated into a book , " slapped by the invisible hand " .
The risk is that rising popular discontent forces the hand of the state triggering even more dubious government spending , more market-distorting policies and more cross-border trade and investment restrictions .
The doctrine of Adam Smith developed far-reaching implications for Europe and the United States , and his exquisite metaphor " invisible hand " market society has always been the most sacred beliefs .
The law of supply and demand , they say , determines the level of wages , and the invisible hand of the market will punish anyone who tries to defy this law .
Western scholars define the role of government intervention in economic operation generally as the " three hands ", namely the invisible hand . the helping hand and the grabbing hand . And different hand has the different influence on the economical movements .
They change from the passive condition of being planned by the state to the active one of facing the market and operating according to the invisible hands of market . This is the career of socialist enterprises , which never existed before .
Through the visible hand of government and the invisible hand of market mechanism , the developed countries not only get out of the counterfeit drugs flooding the market , but also become the world-based pharmaceutical company , and have accounted for an important map of the world pharmaceutical market .