
  • 网络The invisible hand
  1. 无形之手的失败,为政府实施旨在维持充分就业的政策提供了理论依据。

    This failing of the invisible hand justified government policies to maintain full employment .

  2. 企业通过创新创造市场、引导市场,通过内部管理职能(有形之手)配置社会资源,其已在相当程度上取代了无形之手&市场价格机制。

    Internal management ( the visible hand ) to allocate social resources has to a certain extent replaced the invisible hand & the market price mechanism .

  3. 是什么无形之手在操纵着这二者之间的相对价格?

    What invisible hand decreed this set of relative prices ?

  4. 《国富论》处理的是无形之手&市场机制的问题。

    " The Wealth of Nations " deals with the invisible hand : market forces .

  5. 本论文把它称之为经济制度选择的无形之手原理。

    The idea is named the invisible hand principle for the choice of economic institutions in this dissertation .

  6. 第九章论述产权经济学家关于产权不自由企业的非效率性的理论。经济制度选择的无形之手原理在第八章和第九章得到较为集中的体现。

    Chapter nine is on the theories of inefficient nature of the firm based on no-free property rights .

  7. 无形之手:切离你的一只手,并驱使它去操纵物体或战斗。

    Disembodied Hand : Detach one of your hands and send it forth to manipulate objects or attack .

  8. 作为一种客观规律,它象一只无形之手调控着产业链的形成。

    Certainly , it is as an objective rule to control the formation of industry chain just like an invisible hand .

  9. 有些人认为,这只不过是自由市场正常运转的结果,即无形之手正在奖励那些对美国公司日益重要的工作岗位。

    Some suggest that this is simply the work of the free market rewarding what has become an increasingly important job for American corporations .

  10. 世界上有很多无形之手和魔力之手,尽管这样,我们也不希望石油价格太高来破坏世界的经济。

    Although there are many invisible and magical hands in the world , we do not expect to enhance the petrol price destroying the petrol economy .

  11. 供应链合同作为调控供应链发展的无形之手,正成为国内外管理学界的研究热点。

    Supply chain contracts as the invisible hand of the regulation of the supply chain is becoming a field of research of domestic and international management .

  12. 在市场环境中,应鼓励采用分散决策方法,以便通过市场的无形之手达到市场均衡点和市场效率。

    In the market environment , the decentralized decision making approach should be recommended so as to use the " invisible hand " of markets to achieve market equilibrium and efficiency .

  13. 戈顿在2008年他的一篇学术论文中提出这个理论的核心,之后这篇学术论文被收录进《被无形之手扇了一耳光》。

    Mr Gorton first laid out the core of his theory in a 2008 academic paper which was later incorporated into a book , " slapped by the invisible hand " .

  14. 风险在于,不断上升的普遍不满迫使政府伸出无形之手,从而引发更多令人质疑的政府开支、更多扭曲市场的政策、更多的跨国贸易投资限制。

    The risk is that rising popular discontent forces the hand of the state triggering even more dubious government spending , more market-distorting policies and more cross-border trade and investment restrictions .

  15. 亚当·斯密的学说对于欧美发达国家影响深远,他的精妙譬喻无形之手,始终是市场社会最为神圣的信念。

    The doctrine of Adam Smith developed far-reaching implications for Europe and the United States , and his exquisite metaphor " invisible hand " market society has always been the most sacred beliefs .

  16. 他们说,供求法则决定薪资水平,任何人要想违背这一法则,都会遭到市场无形之手的惩罚。

    The law of supply and demand , they say , determines the level of wages , and the invisible hand of the market will punish anyone who tries to defy this law .

  17. 西方学者将政府干预在经济运行中的作用形象的概括为三只手,即无形之手、帮助之手和掠夺之手,不同的手对经济运行产生不同的影响。

    Western scholars define the role of government intervention in economic operation generally as the " three hands ", namely the invisible hand . the helping hand and the grabbing hand . And different hand has the different influence on the economical movements .

  18. 由被动地听任国家的计划安排,到主动地面向市场,根据市场调节的无形之手开展经营,这是社会主义企业亘古未有的事业,是中国企业发展的新曙光。

    They change from the passive condition of being planned by the state to the active one of facing the market and operating according to the invisible hands of market . This is the career of socialist enterprises , which never existed before .

  19. 通过政府有形之手和市场机制无形之手的合力作用,发达国家药品市场不仅走出了假药泛滥和产业危机的境地,而且成为世界型制药企业并占据了世界医药市场的重要版图。

    Through the visible hand of government and the invisible hand of market mechanism , the developed countries not only get out of the counterfeit drugs flooding the market , but also become the world-based pharmaceutical company , and have accounted for an important map of the world pharmaceutical market .