
  • 网络non-polluted tea
  1. 无公害茶叶生产基地的建立及其栽培管理技术

    Establishment of Production Base of Non-polluted Tea and its Management Technology

  2. 无公害茶叶及其病虫害防治技术

    Prevention and Control Technology of Plant Disease and Insect in Non-polluted Tea Garden

  3. 对陇南市武都区发展无公害茶叶的思考

    Thinking of Developing Non-Pullution Tea in Wudu of Longnan City

  4. 论我国无公害茶叶生产的技术体系

    The Technical System of non-Pollution Tea Production of China

  5. 无公害茶叶加工技术研究与示范

    Research and demonstration on non-polluted tea processing technology

  6. 松溪县无公害茶叶病虫综防技术及其成效

    The Integral Pest Control Technology and Its Effect of Tea without Pollution in Songxi

  7. 无公害茶叶生产技术

    Technology of the Production of Non-Pollution Tea

  8. 提高茶叶卫生品质走无公害茶叶生产之路

    Improve sanitation quality to produce non-polluted tea

  9. 无公害茶叶农药化肥的合理使用和污染防治农药、化肥与农业污染

    Rational Usage on Pesticide and Chemical Fertilizer of Pollution Free Tea and It 's Control Countermeasures

  10. 因此,对害虫实施生态持续控制,是无公害茶叶生产面临的迫切问题。

    So the sustainable ecological control of the tea pests has become more and more important and imminent for pollution-free tea .

  11. 它的成功研发可极大地促进无公害茶叶的发展,综合实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。

    This product could greatly promote the development of unharmful tea and make benefits of zoology , economy and society true .

  12. 本研究目的在于探讨有机废弃物堆肥化处理的工艺和效果,及其在茶园中的施用效果,这对有机废弃物资源化利用和无公害茶叶生产具有一定的理论意义和实际指导意义。

    The obiective of this study is to explore the process and effect of composting treatments of organic waste , and the effects of application in tea garden .

  13. 建立无公害茶叶生产基地,采用无公害茶叶栽培管理技术,可以有效地控制茶叶中的农药残留、有害物质的含量,生产出符合市场要求的无公害茶叶。

    The establishment of production base of non-polluted tea and application of the management technology of non-polluted tea were researched , and it may efficiently control the contain of chemical remaining and some harmful material in tea , and also it can produce non-polluted tea for market requirement .