
wú biāo tí yīn yuè
  • absolute music
无标题音乐[wú biāo tí yīn yuè]
  1. 交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。

    Usually Symphony be absolute music .

  2. 第一首乐曲创作于1990年,为无标题音乐,在这首乐曲中运用了大量不协和的音响、多变的节奏及复杂的调性调式,可看出作曲家内心的矛盾与郁闷。

    The first piece of music written in 1990 , as the absolute music , in this song he used a large number of non-Concorde sound , changed the tone of the rhythm and complexity of modal , so we can see the inner contradictions and depressed composer .

  3. 在宏观方面:首先,对三首《随想曲》的创作背景和意图进行概述;其次,简要介绍随想曲体裁的特点;最后,对标题音乐与无标题音乐的特性作简要概述。

    At the macro aspects : First , summarize creative background and intentions of the three " Capriccio "; briefly introduce the characteristics of Capriccio ; and finally , briefly summarize features of the title music and no title music .