
  • 网络counterpoint;Polyphony;polyphonic music
  1. 多媒体技术在高师音乐专业《多声部音乐分析与写作》课程中的应用研究

    Applied Study on Multimedia Technology in the Higher Pedagogical Education Music Course of " Analysis and Writing about Homophonic and Polyphonic Music "

  2. 黎先生一生致力于民族音乐理论的研究与创作,对我国民族风格的多声部音乐在当代的传承与发展进行了积极的探索。

    Mr. Li devoted his life to the study and creation of the folk music theory and actively explored national heritage and development of counterpoint in contemporary .

  3. 钢琴艺术是一门多声部音乐的艺术。

    Piano is an art of many vocal part music .

  4. 蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的复调技法

    The Polyphony Technique in Mongolian Folk Multi-Voice Part Music

  5. 其与和声学以及蒙古族民间多声部音乐的持续音技法有区别。

    Mongolian folk and acoustic as well as with multi-voice music continued to sound techniques are different .

  6. 以线性思维模式构成的中国传统音乐与西方多声部音乐,是在不同的文化背景下产生和发展的。

    Chinese traditional music by linear thinking mode and western music were originated from different cultural background .

  7. 通过这些分析来研究蒙古族民歌与无伴奏合唱多声部音乐的最恰当结合方式。

    The author tries to study the best way to combine the Mongolian ballad and the counterpoint without company .

  8. 和声作为多声部音乐发展历史中的技术现象,有其自身发展和衍变的轨迹。

    As a technique phenomenon in the history of the developing music , harmony has its own expanding track .

  9. 于是在多声部音乐的创作中所运用的和声,大多是欧洲大、小调体系的和声方法。

    Therefore the application of multiple-voice on most musical creation , it almost adopts the ways of European harmony .

  10. 支声广泛存在于民间音乐中,是民间多声部音乐最常见的织体形式。

    Heterophony widely exists in folk music , and it is a most common texture form of folk multipart music .

  11. 《多声部音乐分析与写作》作为改革后一门新的课程也就相应的进入到普通高等学校音乐学(教师教育)之中。

    Multi-tone Music Analysis and Writing has been added into the courses of music major ( teacher education ) as a new one .

  12. 制度德育与德育理论体系的关系类似音乐学中多声部音乐的声部与主调的关系。

    Taking some new theories of moral education as the background , the paper studies the connotation of the moral education of institutions .

  13. 大场秧歌唢呐伴奏的多声部音乐中和声技法的巧妙运用。

    Secondly , the author has described the skillful utilization of harmonic techniques in Heterophony of the accompaniment of Suona in Dachang Yangge Dance .

  14. 中国专业性的多声部音乐创作,始于20世纪20年代初。作曲家在进行音乐创作时,在旋律的写作上往往会采用五声性音调。

    The creation of professional Chinese multiple-voice begins with early 1920s . When the composers work on the music creation , they often adopt pentatonic notes on melody work .

  15. 潮尔音乐是蒙古族传统音乐的重要组成部分之一,是蒙古族多声部音乐的重要表现形式,也是中国北方少数民族音乐文化的集大成者。

    Choir is an important part of traditional Mongolian music and one important form of music of many voices Mongolian , and also a master of musical culture in North China Minorities .

  16. 第三章则从音乐的织体上对该曲多声部音乐的语言进行探讨,研究主奏乐曲与伴奏乐器声部间的组织关系、表情作用及其对音响色彩的影响。

    Chapter III explores the language of multi-musical part from the music part ; study the relationship between the main musical instrument and the accompaniment musical instrument , the expression function as well as the acoustics ' influence .

  17. 然而我国由于历史、音乐文化传承等众多原因,导致我国音乐在多声部音乐创作方面显得较为薄弱,尤其是合唱方面。

    However , the history of our country due to many reasons , such as music and cultural heritage , resulting in the creation of music in terms of multi-voice music seems to be rather weak , especially in the chorus aspects .

  18. 湖南靖县多声部民歌音乐研究

    On the Ballad Music with Multi-voice Part of Hunan Jing County

  19. 《校歌》是一首进行曲风格的多声部合唱音乐,歌词属于原创作品,其结构与《黄河》的歌词结构基本相同;

    Jimei School Song is a chorus of march style , its words are an original work , and its words structure is alike with Yellow River 's.

  20. 钢琴表演艺术中的多声部逻辑与音乐语言

    Multi-part Logics and Musical Language in Piano Performing Art

  21. 无论这些不同的结构方式所产生和声效果有多大的不同,其根本出发点却是共同的&为了使多声部专业音乐创作中的和声风格与民族五声性旋律风格相协调。

    No matter how different the harmony effects produced by these different structures is , their basic starting point is the same , i.e. , to harmonize its style with the national Pentatonic melodious style in the creation of professional multi-voice music .