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  1. 奏鸣曲式是以对比和统一这两个原则为基础形成的一种大型曲式结构。典型的奏鸣曲式一般由三个部分组成:呈示部、展开部和再现部。

    Sonata form is a large musical form which is based on two principles & " antitheses " and " unification " . Usually , a typical sonata form consists of three parts : exposition , development and recapitulation .

  2. 第二乐章采用奏鸣曲式写成,展开部中还包含有一个复三部曲式的插部,热情的快板(Allegroappassionato),d小调,3/4拍子,典型的谐谑曲,具有火一般的热情。

    The second movement , written in sonata form used to start the Department also includes the trilogy there is a complex type of interpolation Department , enthusiastic Allegro ( Allegro appassionato ), d minor , 3 / 4 beat , a typical Scherzo , with fire in general enthusiasm .

  3. 仅从各个部分的篇幅上看,一些作品的展开部甚至已经超越了呈示部。

    Only from the length point of view , a number of the developments had even gone beyond the expositions .

  4. 奏鸣曲式是乐曲的一种结构形式,包括呈示部、展开部和再现部三大部分。

    Sonata form is a structured form of music , including the exposition , expand the department and the recapitulation of three parts .

  5. 值得一提的就是李杨于2003年执导的《盲井》,影片围绕着河南矿工们的故事展开,这部电影也在西方权威影展上夺得大奖。

    A case in point is Li Yang ` s 2003 film about Henan coal miners , Blind Shaft , which won awards at several major Western film festivals .

  6. 建立了展开型定向战斗部的典型模型动力学过程的微分方程;

    The Lagrange equation was applied to establishing the nonlinear differential-algebraic equations of the dynamic model of spread process .

  7. 针对展开型定向战斗部主装药的展开过程进行了研究。

    A special research was done on spread process of main charge of the evolvable aimed warhead ( EAW ) .