
zhǎn kāi tú
  • stretch-out view
  1. 多节任意角度圆弧弯管展开图CAD

    The CAD Unfolded Drawing for Discretionary Angle Curved Pipe with Multi-segment

  2. 正圆锥两节渐缩径弯头展开图cad

    CAD for the Evolve Drawing of Two-elbow with Positive Cone

  3. 基于VB的高炉上料管展开图的CAD绘制

    CAD Mapping of Blast Furnace Loading Pipe Based on VB

  4. 32面体展开图的对偶图G(p,q,f)的4着色

    4-colouring of dual G ( p , q , f ) of a 32-face sphere development

  5. 球面展开图的计算机辅助计算浅析Windows注册表及其应用实例

    On Computer Calculation of Spheric Surface Approximate Development An Approximate Analysis of Windows Registry and Its Applied Instance

  6. 基于AutoCAD二维环境下柱面展开图的自动生成

    Automatic Generation of Unfolded Drawing of Cylinder Based on AutoCAD

  7. AutoCAD实现相交圆柱的展开图自动生成

    Automatic generation of unfolded drawing of intersected cylinder by AutoCAD

  8. 使用展开图分析Petri网的行为属性与传统的Petri网分析方法相比,具有自己的特点。

    In contrast to the traditional analyzing method of Petri nets , the unfolding method has some merits .

  9. AutoCAD扩充绘制变螺距螺旋面展开图命令

    Command of the Development of the Variable Pitch Helical Blade for AutoCAD by Using Secondary Expansion of AutoCAD

  10. 介绍了将高级语言VB与AutoCAD结合在一起绘制异径三通管展开图的方法。

    A method is introduced to draw the unrolled diagram of different diameter T joints by combining VB with AutoCAD .

  11. 外板展开图程序1000kt/a粒状DAP联产200kt/a粉状MAP扩能方案剖析

    Capacity Expansion Plan Analysis of 1000 kt / a Granular DAP with Joint Production of 200 kt / a Powder MAP

  12. 此系统可以直接从AutoCAD图形文件中提取数据,准确、快捷地完成相贯线展开图的绘制,并最终能自动生成数控代码。

    The system can extract data directly from drawing files of AutoCAD , draw the place expansion map of intersecting lines , and then generate NC codes automatically .

  13. 并通过Visualc++的MFC开发工具实现了系统界面和箱型设计、材料选择、尺寸设计及展开图绘制、强度校核、文件I/O模块的功能。

    The system functions of interface , box style selecting , material choosing , dimension design and outspread figure drawing , intensity check and file input / output was realized using MFC tools of Visual C + + .

  14. 目的在SPECT心肌灌注显像展开图的基础上,采用阈值法定量分析正常者与冠心病心肌缺血患者静息和运动状态下心肌缺血面积的变化。

    Objectives Based on the unfold chart of SPECT , the changes of myocardial ischemia area were analyzed quantitatively between volunteers and patients with coronary heart disease ( CHD ) in the state of rest and stress .

  15. 并在美国GOULD公司计算机辅助设计系统上实现了主轴箱的计算机辅助设计,绘制了转速图、传动系统图和展开图;

    By means of the GOULD computer aided design system , the computer aided design of the speed diagram , driving system graph and expansion drawing of spindle box have been carried out .

  16. 此次的全面回顾展由蓬皮杜的副馆长弗雷德里克·米盖鲁(FrédéricMigayrou)策展,此外他还在基金会大楼组织了一个规模小一些的精品展,展出盖里先生的展开图。

    Fr é d é ric Migayrou , the deputy director of the Pompidou , organized the full retrospective and a smaller boutique show of Mr. Gehry 's development drawings that will be on view at the Foundation .

  17. 本文以程序控制设计中逻辑展开图在一台组合机床上的应用,详尽阐述应用逻辑展开图编制控制程序的优化设计方法,并在S7-400系统上调试了该程序。

    The optimize design method of program control based on the means of unfold logical chart is introduced . The method is applied to a design of machine tool and the program is tested on SIMATIC S7 - 400 system .

  18. 混凝土搅拌车螺旋叶片展开图的实现

    Realization of Developed Views of Spiral Vanes in Concrete Mixer Truck

  19. 交流电机的定子绕组展开图分析

    Analysis of the outspread diagram of AC motor 's stator coils

  20. 钣金件的分类及其展开图的参数化绘制

    Classification of Sheet Metal and Plot of Its Parametric Unfold Drawing

  21. 计算机辅助绘制相贯曲面展开图的新方法

    One Method for Computer-aided Drawing an Expansion Graph of Intersecting Cambers

  22. 钣金件展开图可视参数化绘图系统

    The visible parametric extension drawing system of metal plate pieces

  23. 气体分布器中折流板展开图曲线方程的计算

    Calculation of Unfolded Surface Equation For Baffles in Gas Distributors

  24. 利用计算机绘制变压器管件展开图的新方法

    New Method of Drawing Unfolded Diagram of Tube in Transformer with Computer

  25. 绘制展开图的数学模型以及程序结构

    A Mathematical Model and its Program Structure for Drawing Developments of Surfaces

  26. 钢岔管展开图的数解法

    Mathematical solutions of the developed surface of bifurcated steel pipe

  27. 正螺旋面展开图的几何优化设计

    Geometric Optimum Design of Developed View of Ordinary Helicoidal Surface

  28. 截头圆锥体表面交线展开图曲线方程的研究

    Study on curve equation of unfolded-drawing on the cut-cone surface

  29. 球内接三通接头的设计及其展开图的计算机绘制

    The Design and Drafting of T-Joint Inscribed in A Sphere

  30. 一种新型的给排水系统展开图画法介绍

    An introduction about a newfashioned brushwork of water supply and drainage system