
  • 网络printing pressure;print pressure
  1. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。

    A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material , thickness , hardness , printing pressure , ink viscosity , PH value , the number of roller cable .

  2. 印刷压力需要根据不同的情况及时地去调整。

    Printing pressure should be regulated according to different situation .

  3. 油墨渗透由外部的印刷压力和纸张的毛细管力共同作用。

    The interaction of the pressure and the capillary make the ink to enter the paper .

  4. 实验还证明,胶印中混合加网在改变印刷压力的条件下具有更大的稳定性。

    Experiment also proved that hybrid screening have greater stability under the variational pressure in offset .

  5. 印刷压力的检测与计算过程中,有许多因素会引起最终计算结果的误差。

    There are many factors that can cause the final error in the detection and calculation process of printing pressure .

  6. 合适的印刷压力是实现胶印印刷的基本的条件,也是印刷品质量的保证。

    The appropriate printing pressure is the basic condition of actualization of offset printing , as well as the guarantee of print quality .

  7. 印刷压力:把印纹转移到纸上的压力,以千克每平方米或磅每平方寸计;

    Printing pressure : The pressure , in kg per square metre or pounds per square inch , used to transfer the image to the paper ;

  8. 在压印阶段,由于受印刷压力作用,油墨被挤压进纸张孔隙之中,这一过程是油墨渗透的主要部分,对渗透深度的影响是很大的。

    During the press phases , the ink enter the paper via pressure , this phrases is the main part and have a great influence for the whole permeating depth .

  9. 并采用有限单元法对橡皮滚筒进行弹性力学分析,通过最优化方法得到滚筒刚度矩阵,使印刷压力的分布均匀,提高了滚筒抗弯刚度。

    It analyzes blanket cylinder with finite element method , and optimizes the cylinder stiffness matrix , which improve the anti-bending stiffness of cylinder and make printing pressure more even .

  10. 课题研究的主要内容有:信号采集的硬件系统设计;印刷压力测试分析方法的研究;印刷压力系统模型研究;测试系统软设计;实验设计及数据验证分析。

    The main contents of research are : signal acquisition hardware system designing ; printing pressure test and analysis methods ; printing pressure on the mechanical model ; test system software design ; experimental design and analysis of data .

  11. 1590年,耶稣传教士给日本带来了印刷出版压力,但是当基督教在17世纪早期被禁时,其移到了澳门。

    In1590 , Jesuit missionaries brought a printing press to Japan , but when Christianity was proscribed in the early seventeenth century , it was sent to Macau .

  12. 圆筒包工:用不同质地的纸张包在活版印刷机的压力圆筒上,使它具有承垫性能,增加印刷质量。

    Cylinder dressing : Sheets of paper around the impression cylinder of a letterpress printing machine which improve the definition of th print by providing a cushioned impression .

  13. 喷墨成像印刷系统供墨压力均布自动调节元件的设计研究

    Study on The Pressure Auto-regulatory Element of The Supplying ink For Inkjet Imaging Printing System

  14. 本文还利用计算机模拟对不同印刷速度和印刷压力下的焊膏印刷性能进行了研究。

    In this thesis , the performance of solder paste printing was simulated under the different printing velocity and printing pressure .

  15. 对生产中水墨量、印刷速度、印刷压力等的调整,具有一定的指导意义。

    To produces ink volume , the printing speed , the printing pressure and so on the adjustment , has certain guiding sense .

  16. 研究表明:在不考虑其他焊膏印刷性能影响因素下,较高的印刷速度和印刷压力能提高焊膏印刷性能。

    The result of simulation indicated that higher printing velocity and printing pressure would improve the performance of solder paste printing if other factors were not considered .

  17. 从包衬材料及印刷过程中使用的纸张、油墨等因素出发,定性或定量分析印刷压力的计算、调节及确定。

    This paper , in the way of statistics , quantificationally analyses the calculating , regulating and confirming of printing pressure .

  18. 结果发现,在现有试验设计及参数窗口内,焊料的种类,印刷的形状及回流曲线对焊接层空洞率的影响比较大,而焊盘镀层和印刷预压力则影响较小。

    In present experimental design and process parameter window , the effects of solder paste type , print mask type and reflow profile were more significant , and the largest void rate was excess 10 % .